Past projects 1
Games Make Learning Fun!
Funded Dec 10, 2016
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Most of my students spend their home lives indoors while parents and guardians are working. They are stuck in front of a television or video games for most of their days. While we have short recess times at school, I want to bring some new activities into the school day to help break up the monotony. The materials I am requesting will be used to make learning centers with hands on activities such as cutting, pasting, and drawing for reading logs and rolling dice or flipping playing cards to work with numbers. Folders, paper clips, page protectors, and metal fasteners will be used to make write and wipe games complete with spinners and dry erase components. I am looking to make the children's lives more interesting while they're at school. Instead of working exclusively with books and workbooks, pencils and notebooks, I would like the students to be able to participate in learning games and hands on activities. In addition, infusing art into our daily math and literacy routines is a great way to get students more interested and to let them have a little fun throughout the day.