Past projects 1
Sensory Room Wonderland
Funded Mar 12, 2018
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The swing, trampoline, lamps, and ball chair will provide vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive stimulation necessary for students who have higher sensory needs. These materials will help prime my students to learn daily living skills. Many of the students we have need sensory diets specific to their needs to help them learn. For example, we have one student who takes breaks at least three times a day. He is constantly seeking movement and loves to jump and swing. He currently cannot get this input in our classroom, so his behavior can escalate at times. If we can get a swing and trampoline in our sensory room, he will have more access to movement that will allow him to prepare his body for learning in the classroom. For other students, the sensory room can provide a space for calming and self-regulation. Calming intentional visual stimulation has been shown to help children with Autism learn to cope with overwhelming school environments. We are hoping that many of our students will be able to use our new sensory room equipment throughout the day. The donations for this project will improve our classroom by reducing the amount of behavioral issues because we will be able to provide the appropriate stimulation that students need. With less behavioral issues, we can increase our learning and time on task. We are looking forward to seeing our students happier and ready to learn.