Creativity plays a critical role in the STEAM (science, technology, arts, engineering, and math) content areas. Technology integration and other Project Based Learning (PBL) activities enable students to explore multiple content areas simultaneously. It allows for students to become inquisitive, critical thinkers, and problem solvers, which are skills needed for the 21st century.
Our students are curious learners that need a location, like our Learning Commons to explore their passions through STEAM and PBL activities and assignments, along with stretching their imaginations. By transforming an area of our Learning Commons area into more of a maker-space with a recording studio, students will have access to materials, tools, and technologies to allow for hands-on exploration and participation learning.
To help our students foster these essential 21st century learning skills, they need a place to make their dreams a reality in a recording studio. I am requesting a variety of materials to help the students create, build and craft their skills: materials for a recording studio (green screen, iPad, tripod, the needed computer storage and cables, and wireless microphones), along with the variety of art materials they will need to make essential props to enhance their projects. The educational videos created by the students will allow them to explore multiple time periods, record their discoveries, and make the learning more authentic by expanding their audiences with their final productions.
By adding a recording studio to our Learning Commons will help provide the students with the materials needed so they can produce their own works of art or information and share with the community. The students can then utilize these STEAM skills on their assessments, along with carrying them into other classes here at school, college, and careers.
About my class
Creativity plays a critical role in the STEAM (science, technology, arts, engineering, and math) content areas. Technology integration and other Project Based Learning (PBL) activities enable students to explore multiple content areas simultaneously. It allows for students to become inquisitive, critical thinkers, and problem solvers, which are skills needed for the 21st century.
Our students are curious learners that need a location, like our Learning Commons to explore their passions through STEAM and PBL activities and assignments, along with stretching their imaginations. By transforming an area of our Learning Commons area into more of a maker-space with a recording studio, students will have access to materials, tools, and technologies to allow for hands-on exploration and participation learning.
To help our students foster these essential 21st century learning skills, they need a place to make their dreams a reality in a recording studio. I am requesting a variety of materials to help the students create, build and craft their skills: materials for a recording studio (green screen, iPad, tripod, the needed computer storage and cables, and wireless microphones), along with the variety of art materials they will need to make essential props to enhance their projects. The educational videos created by the students will allow them to explore multiple time periods, record their discoveries, and make the learning more authentic by expanding their audiences with their final productions.
By adding a recording studio to our Learning Commons will help provide the students with the materials needed so they can produce their own works of art or information and share with the community. The students can then utilize these STEAM skills on their assessments, along with carrying them into other classes here at school, college, and careers.
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