Past projects 1
We Can Learn and Compete the Best with Technology!
Funded Dec 28, 2016This classroom project was brought to life by and 7 other donors.
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With the requested computers, students will be capable of accessing the internet to complete their Reasoning Mind independent study Math program. For 70 minutes of every school day, children will be actively working towards their goals instead of waiting for the computer to come back up after it shuts down in the middle of working on their identified objectives. If they can access newer computers their programs may not freeze and leave them sitting, hoping it will continue the program. In Science, students will actively be involved in experimenting and proving theoretical objectives identified by our state as necessary for our curriculum. In Language Arts, students will use our interactive White Board to work in small groups to facilitate skills in becoming better readers and writers. Also they will get far more practice in English skills they will use the rest of their lives.