Past projects 2
Let's Get Engaged
Funded Nov 21, 2019Great Readers Need Reading Materials
Funded Nov 9, 2018
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Having a new desktop computer will allow for different structures of learning in my classroom. Most of my students are visual learners. Students will be able to interact in class using a projector with this computer and also using it as a tool to help other students. Another way it will be beneficial is that students can use this tool to locate and highlight important text features when asked questions. The Expo 2 Low-Odor Dry Erase Markers will provide students with an opportunity to use this tool as an assessment (exit slip) on marker boards during fun activities to demonstrate what they have learned. Expo Marker Board Towlettes and Expo White Board Care Cleaning Wipes will make clean up easier for them. My project will make a difference by providing students with technology and the ability to interact with the learning process. These tools will help my students teach others students using technology.