Have Cushions....Will Read!

Funded Aug 16, 2021

Once again, thank you for supporting my students. My materials had to be changed due to the cushions being unavailable. Don't worry, the replacement items were

put to good use.

A color printer was purchased which has been used to print positive notes for home. I am also able to print color achievement certificates every time a level is completed in the reading or math programs we use. We are building a wall of student achievers holding these awards!

Another purchase made were magnetic ten frames. The students love using these manipulatives to help with number recognition, ways to make ten, building larger numbers, and learning about place value. In addition, dry erase white boards and 100 charts were purchased. These also aid in math small group instruction.

The final purchases were power chords with USB ports. These come in very handy for charging our technology, which we use for video lessons and submitting work. Your thoughtful donations have made the students smile every time they receive a certificate or work in a small group. Thank you very much!”

With gratitude,

Ms. B.