Past projects 2
Rolling Through our Fitness Journey!
Funded Apr 21, 2024Thank you so much for your generous donation! My students will be thrilled for this learning opportunity and new equipment! Our physical education classes will now get to experience even more joy through movement thanks to your donation to our classroom! We are beyond thankful for your help in making learning fun!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cain
Beat of Our Hearts!
Funded Oct 26, 2022I want to first begin by saying thank you for your generous donations to my students' learning journey! Without the support from AMAZING humans like yourself, I could not possibly provide my students with all the opportunities that they very much deserve. With your donations, I was able to acquire all equipment needed for each student in all of my classes to participate in our cardio drumming unit.
Cardio drumming is such a fun activity that meets not only many physical education standards, but many cross curricular standards, as well as addresses all different learning styles. We are not fortunate enough to have a music program at our school so I knew how important that was to find a way to integrate it into my class. With cardio drumming, many standards from both subjects are being met, students are learning how to read basic music notes, and are getting a great workout while doing so! They were able to not only learn about beats, notes, and rhythm but they were able to create their own routines to apply that new knowledge. I could see the doors opening for so many of my students when music was connected in this way. Not to mention, the incredible increase in the amount of time my students spent with their heart rates elevated - this unit created sparks and electricity that I have not quite been able to ignite in some students! It was so amazing to watch them shine!
The looks on my students' faces when they came out the first day I had the equipment out was priceless. The "ooo" and "ahhs" were my favorite part! The giggles and smiles during this unit were contagious. My classes rotate every 6 weeks so I will get a new group of students soon - so every student in grades K-5 at my school will have the opportunity to participate in the cardio drumming unit. This project will have impacted over 550 children this year alone! We are going to keep on drumming to the beat of our hearts thanks to each of you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cain