Past projects 34
Learn to Make Students Readers and Leaders with Financial Literacy
Funded Jan 8, 2018Thank you for your support. This project will have a great impact on the community at large. Please continue to support projects like this to give students and opportunity to take ownership of their learning. Again, thank you for making a difference in my students' lives. These little free libraries will bring the community together. You have made a difference in the lives of the students during our Martin Luther King Day of Service. Please continue to provide support to projects that make an impact on the lives of the students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
Laptop and Financial Literacy
Funded Dec 22, 2015Thank you for your support. You have made a great difference in the lives of my students. We now have the supplies needed to make financial literacy exciting and fun. Your support has made a great difference in our classroom.
Please continue to fund and support projects like this. Your support has helped undo the burden of budget cuts and has allowed our school to arm our students with the tools needed to make a difference. We thank you again for your continued support and truly appreciate everything you have done for us.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
High Schoolers Eager to Read
Funded Sep 2, 2015Thank you for your support. You have made a great difference in the lives of my students. We now have the supplies needed to make reading exciting and fun. Your support has made a great difference in our classroom.
Please continue to fund and support projects like this. Your support has helped undo the burden of budget cuts and has allowed our school to arm our students with the tools needed to make a difference. We thank you again for your continued support and truly appreciate everything you have done for us.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
Our Yearbook Needs Helps
Funded Sep 2, 2015Thank you for your support. You have made a great difference in the lives of my students. We now have the supplies needed to preserve their legacy in our school's history. Your support has made a great difference in our classroom.
Please continue to fund and support projects like this. Your support has helped undo the burden of budget cuts and has allowed our school to arm our students with the tools needed to make a difference. We thank you again for your continued support and truly appreciate everything you have done for us.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
Love & Life through Shakespeare
Funded May 6, 2014Dear Donors:
Thank you for your show of unselfishness in contributing to my class project "Love & Life through Shakespeare." These books have been a real help to my students in helping them to fully understand Shakespeare. They were experiencing difficulty understanding the Shakespearan English, so reading a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet along with Shakespeare's version, made it more understandable, not to mention, students were more able to identify with the characters and their situation and problems.
On the behalf of my students, I would like to extend our gratitude. My students were very excited at receiving the shipment of books. My school is a small school with a limited budget, so our gifts and contributions from Donors Choose are always welcomed and appreciated. Your gift afforded each of my student to be able to have his/her individual book to read, and as such, I was able to assign reading homework, which allowed us to complete the book in a shorter time with more time for class discussion. Again I say thanks to all the donors who give of their time and contributions, New York City School children and their teachers thanks you immensely .”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
Reading to Stop Bullies!
Funded May 31, 2012Your support has helped undue the burden of budget cuts. Your help has provided my students with a new novel to to read in our English Class. This novel will be used to allow them to explore different cultures from their own and also be used as a tool to avoid bullying. I thank you and my students thank you for supporting them. Students learn best when they have access to knowledge and you have provided just that. They will now have the tools they need to improve their educational standing and achieve all they want.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
iPads For Students' Leading Success!
Funded May 2, 2012Dear
donors thank you for supporting my project. Your help has enabled my
students to make the most out of their educational experience. You and
only you made that difference. Your donations will result in my students
having the tools they need to tackle the learning process. Your help
has undone the burden of budget cuts and has opened new venues of
success for my students. We thank you and look forward to learning more
using the resources you helped us purchase. Thank You.
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
Anti-Bullying Club Wants to Read Hunger Games
Funded Feb 3, 2012Dear Donor, Thank You for funding the purchase of this novel for my classroom. My students will benefit greatly because you made a difference in the academic lives of my students. Continue to support projects like these to make a great change in student's lives. These novels will make a great change because they expose students to new topics in life. It is an essential part of education to read an explore. Exploration allows one to grow from a young teen to adult. Thank You for your support and please continue to support these projects. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
This classroom project was brought to life by ABC Family and one other donor.Ending Bullying by Reading a Good Book!
Funded Jan 30, 2012Dear Donor, Thank You for funding the purchase of this novel for my classroom. My students will benefit greatly because you made a difference in the academic lives of my students. Continue to support projects like these to make a great change in student's lives. These novels will make a great change because they expose students to new topics in life. It is an essential part of education to read an explore. Exploration allows one to grow from a young teen to adult. Thank You for your support and please continue to support these projects. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
This classroom project was brought to life by ABC Family and one other donor.Leading with Reading, Stop Bullying!
Funded Jan 30, 2012Dear Donor, Thank You for funding the purchase of this novel for my classroom. My students will benefit greatly because you made a difference in the academic lives of my students. Continue to support projects like these to make a great change in student's lives. These novels will make a great change because they expose students to new topics in life. It is an essential part of education to read an explore. Exploration allows one to grow from a young teen to adult. Thank You for your support and please continue to support these projects. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Newton
This classroom project was brought to life by ABC Family and one other donor.