STEM Education for All

Funded Dec 3, 2021

We've used this funding to purchase 3 levels of robots - introductory, easy, and mid-level.

The introductory robot was a mouse that had basic functions (forward, backward, left, and right), and the students learned how to code with this! They designed a "code" to control the mouse through a given maze and then tested it to see if the mouse would reach the cheese at the end. Throughout this process, students had to record what they did in their notebooks. As the challenges got harder, they got more invested in supporting and encouraging other teams. It was so great to see them ALL celebrate when one team had a success!

Then, once we had some basics down, we learned how to do block coding with our spheros! The kids loved the lights and making it say things. They struggled to learn about how fast it should go, and time limits, but eventually got there. They love these little guys.

Last week, we officially started building our mid-level robots. This was new for the kids - the previous robots were built for us! They had to follow directions, practice asking for help, and several students said, "this is hard, but I like the challenge of it." It was so great to see them so focused for so long with their teams and robots, and so eager to continue. While the builders build, the programmers are learning coding on the new robot software, and I've been challenging my older students to learn the python language, while this is happening. Our notebook people drew and labeled their robots, then named it! They really enjoyed that!

Overall, these kids now see a future with robotics or computers in some capacity. They are invested, engaged, and just loving the work we are doing. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Amos