Past projects 1
Ready! Set! Read!
Funded Jan 30, 2022Our Kindergarten students received the materials over the course of a couple of weeks. They were excited to get to use new materials in our small group centers. We used magnetic white boards and letter magnets to build consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words and then change letters to create new words. We used tiles and button magnets to segment and say the sounds in CVC words. We used white boards and white board markers to spell CVC and high frequency words. We also used white boards and markers for sound, word, and sentence dictation.
One small group that was working on identifying letter names and sounds would get so excited to use the mirrors to "watch what your mouth is doing when you say the sounds" of the letters. Mirrors were a GREAT motivator for making sure students were involved with the instruction! This group also used magnet wands and magnet chips to identify the target letter on a page of mixed letters. When they found all of the target letters, they got to sweep the magnet wand and pick up all the chips.....GREAT FUN!
We used kinetic sand, pom poms, colored rice, torn paper, glitter bags, snap cubes and dot it markers to create letters. The students loved the hands on learning opportunities that were afforded with this generous gift. As a result of the multi-sensory learning this gift provided, students made progress that will help them continue their learning and engagement into 1st grade.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Platt
This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.