Past projects 3
Making 21st Century Global Citizens With Technology
Funded Oct 25, 2019Thank you for your generous donations! Because of your selfless acts, my students are able to use the tablets to do many things in the classroom. My school heavily promotes Accelerated Reader which is a site that assesses students on books they choose to read independently. We also use educational websites such as ReadWorks and CommonLit to complete online assignments in class. This is helpful because our state tests our students online for the state assessments. My students need as much exposure to completing work online to become more competent with technology.
It may seem trivial to us adults, but my students were so excited to see all the various colors of the tablets and know there were enough for all of them to work at once. It's been a challenge in the past having to rotate groups of students to use six laptops in a class of 24 students. It not only keeps it fair (I don't have to decide who gets the tablet first), but it also makes my classroom run more efficiently and smoothly.
My students who have limited resources at home are especially enjoying the tablets. Although they have cellphones to complete online assignments, it's easier for them to work on a product with a larger screen. With the number of tablets you all provided for us, my students who have minimal support at home are able to come to my class and get their work done without repercussions for incomplete work.
Your donation has allowed my students to be on the same playing field as their more fortunate peers and have the same access to programs and activities. This one act has changed my classroom and the trajectory of my students' life paths.”
With gratitude,
Dr. McConnell
Protect the Technology
Funded Jul 17, 2017Your donations have impacted my students more than you can imagine. Although it may have seemed like minuscule materials, those items have been able to protect the technology that you all helped us attain with my first project . You'd be surprised with how much can be done with a file cabinet and surge protector.
The file cabinet serves as a safe haven for our Chromebooks. When we have extended holiday breaks, over the weekend, or even overnight, I know our technology is locked away safely. My students can return knowing they're resources will be available, and I can proceed with my plans.
You didn't have to give a dime, and yet you gave so much. My students and I are forever indebted to you.”
With gratitude,
Dr. McConnell
Make Us a 21st Century Classroom
Funded Feb 28, 2017My project was intended to provide my students with access to technology in the classroom. Most of my students have some type of smart phone device or tablet to use at home, but even those devices are limited in their capabilities when it comes to school assignments. Thankfully, my school has a computer lab, yet we share the lab with 19 other teachers which limits the time and days the computer lab is available. That is why I needed my students to have immediate access to computers in the classroom. We conduct research assignments, complete daily assignments, and are able to take on-line practice tests of the state assessments. The state of Mississippi assesses students at the end of every school year on-line. These assessments are technology-enhanced with features that require students to highlight, drag and drop items, select text, and type responses. As you can see, these tests require more than bubbling in the correct answer which makes exposure to the tests on-line more crucial.
My students were ecstatic when the laptops arrived! They were so appreciative that people they do not know and may never meet cared enough about their education to give monetary support. The students are used to desktop computers at schools, so being able to interact with the lightweight Chromebooks was a joy for them! They love being able to complete assignments on-line rather than with paper and pencil. According to them, they feel like "real students." They have more confidence going into middle school and are ready for the higher demand secondary teachers will put on them, all from having these laptops.
I had some students who used to have a difficult time completing paper assignments on time. They would linger around and eventually turn in work that was not up to par of their capabilities. However, with these new Chromebooks, they look forward to their assignments. Completing work on-line allows students to be more interactive with the assignments, and it allows me to embed technological features, such as videos and audio. The completion rate on all computer assignments is 100% and every assignment is turned in on time. Students also have no worries when they have projects that require research and/or typing because they know I have laptops in my room that are easily accessible. Your donation has not only taken my classroom into the 21st century, but you have also allowed my students to become 21st century learners. We all thank you!!!”
With gratitude,
Dr. McConnell
This classroom project was brought to life by and 3 other donors.