Past projects 61
Go For The Gold With Olympic Books!
Funded Dec 3, 2024Your support has provided my students with books that will not only engage them in high-interest reading about the Paris Summer Olympics but also inspire them to dream big and persevere against challenges.
The stories of athletes like Simone Biles and LeBron James resonate deeply with my students. Many of them, like Simone, have faced hardships such as foster care or come from single-parent households, yet these athletes demonstrate that determination and hard work can lead to incredible success.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and one other donor.Reading is the Best Gift!
Funded Dec 1, 2021Thank you so for creating a love of reading among my students. When we received the large package, I opened it with the students and we went through each book and I read the back cover to them. The students expressed so much excitement and kept saying, "oh I want to read that one and that one too." It was very exciting for them and made me happy to see them excited about reading.
The students will use these books for independent reading and also to practice their reading skills. Some reading skills the students are working on is determining theme by identifying the plot, inferencing, summarizing large chapters, and many other skills.
Donors,you have inspired my students to read and enjoy reading and for that I am thankful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and one other donor.Books, Books, and More Books!
Funded Dec 30, 2021Thank you so for creating a love of reading among my students. When we received the large package, I opened it with the students and we went through each book and I read the back cover to them. The students expressed so much excitement and kept saying, "oh I want to read that one and that one too." It was very exciting for them and made me happy to see them excited about reading.
The students will use these books for independent reading and also to practice their reading skills. Some reading skills the students are working on is determining theme by identifying the plot, inferencing, summarizing large chapters, and many other skills.
Donors,you have inspired my students to read and enjoy reading and for that I am very thankful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
Hand Sanitizer Please!
Funded Nov 19, 2021Thank you so much for the hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues. We have been able to keep germ free and since December 2021 until now, end of January 2022 we only had 2 positive COVID cases in our classroom. I attribute that to you and your support that has kept us safe and our classroom open. The students are able to sanitizer their hands with purellle everytime they enter the classroom. This has helped a lot especially when the bathrooms lack soap. Finally, the lysol wipes has helped keep our surfaces clean after breakfast and lunch. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by and one other donor.Clean Classroom!
Funded Nov 27, 2021Thank you so much for the hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues. We have been able to keep germ free and since December 2021 until now, end of January 2022 we only had 2 positive COVID cases in our classroom. I attribute that to you and your support that has kept us safe and our classroom open. The students are able to sanitizer their hands with purellle everytime they enter the classroom. This has helped a lot especially when the bathrooms lack soap. Finally, the lysol wipes has helped keep our surfaces clean after breakfast and lunch. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by and one other donor.New Year, New Books!
Funded Sep 9, 2021Thank you so much for all your support with my students this school year. The books you have provided for our classroom have been so helpful. My students have enjoyed having new books in the classroom to read from. They have also appreciated that they are the most recent titles, as many of our other books are several decades old. This alone has increased an interest in reading in the classroom among most of my students. Also, with COVID, it has been great having new, germ free books that just feel great to hold. My students that came back to in person learning this school year have rediscovered the great feeling of holding a new book in their hands versus reading a digital book. Thank you so much from all of us!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 2 other donors.Studying Black History Month!
Funded Mar 8, 2021Thank you so much for the books about John Lewis' life. The book was very interesting to my students for many reasons. First, they really enjoyed the graphic novel format. Secondly, they were shocked to find out that John Lewis was once their age. It was a humorous reminder that everyone is a child at some point. Finally, the students couldn't believe that John Lewis had been fighting for civil rights for so many years, his whole life. Many of the students were able to relate to John Lewis in other ways. For example, when John Lewis was a teenager, many of my students said it reminded them of their older sibling”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by Chris and Crystal Sacca.Bringing Life Into Our Classroom!
Funded Feb 27, 2021Thank you so much for the planting supplies. They arrived at the perfect time right around Earth day. The students got to plant various vegetables and flowers. The students were so excited watching them grow and they really made our classroom bright. The greenery next to the windows just brought in a new form of happiness in what was a very challenging school year for all. It was great seeing how excited the students were to watch their plants grow and taking the responsibility to make sure they watered them when necessary. I'm hoping that this project created a few future "plant parents."”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
Steps To Success!
Funded Jan 28, 2021Thank you so much for funding the prizes for my classroom, it really energized the class and motivated many students to complete their work. This school year I am teaching in person and remote students at the same time. The remote students would log off zoom after an hour or two and would be free for the rest of the day when the in person students were in class all day working on different assignments. This causes there to be a lack of motivation among my students when they realized that they weren't "free" like the remote students.
Having these prizes helped to spark motivation and participation in the classroom. The students have been excited to have some free time to decompress and just do a fun activity during the day.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira
This classroom project was brought to life by Walton Family Foundation and 2 other donors.Finding Peace!
Funded Dec 10, 2020Thank you so much for the set of books. My students really enjoyed reading about a Mohawk Native American boy the same age as them and in the same grade in a big city as well. It helped them understand that the Iroquois were not just a group of people that lived long ago. They are still alive today, keeping their culture going strong, and part of our communities.
My students were also able to relate to the book by experiencing the same events and feelings as the main characters. Most of my students have immigrated here from other countries and had to adjust to life in NYC and a new school environment just like the main character. This made it a "fun" read as many of my students have stated.
Thank you again for this set of books, I cannot wait to share them with my students for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pereira