Past projects 8
The Love of Literacy Continues On! A Sequel...
Funded Dec 4, 2024What a wonderful way to close out such an eventful 2024! I can't believe how quickly everyone stepped up to help bring this to fruition and I'm beyond grateful for the support and love. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful community of family and friends. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 7 other donors.Loving Literacy
Funded Sep 9, 2024Your donations have made a wonderful impact to the classroom! As some of you may be aware, the huge clunky water bottles are style and the (lunch time) rolling cart gets used daily. In fact, it has become one of our regular weekly class jobs. The classroom "offices" are also used at least three times a week and help make sure students are testing without distraction.
And finally, the highlight of your donations: THE BOOKS! My students are reading from ALL the collections. It really is a great feeling to see your fourth grade students walking around with a book in their hand or engrossed in a novel at their desks. They truly love the books and have even asked to take the books out with them during recess. Your donation have been so successful that for the first time I am following my students' request to start a new donation request for books.
Once again, thank you for caring and taking the time to give to my students and classroom. The books are in good hands.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
We Love to Show Off Our Work
Funded Mar 1, 2024Not a day goes by that we aren't reminded of your generous contribution to our classroom. Every day our lunch cart transports our student lunches and water bottles to the cafeteria from the classroom and vice versa. Before then, lunches were carried in makeshift boxes and it was entirely too heavy for one student.
This year, our fourth graders learned about California. They read texts, watched educational videos and even went on field trips to historical sites like Sutter's Fort. At the end of the school year they created and brought in a culminating project consisting of a report on one of the 21 California missions, and a model of the mission. Your report holders allowed for suitable displaying of my students' hard work and I thank you for your role in my student's success.
I have included pictures of the mission projects. I am so proud of my students and so appreciative of your donation. Thank you, donor, for caring!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
For the Love of Reading
Funded Nov 23, 2022I am excited to share how much your donations have impacted our classroom. My students love the chapter books and this is evident in not only the happiness and excitement that they engage in and talk about reading, and not only in the daily requests to take reading breaks, but also in the gains made across the board in fluency and reading comprehension!
I read the initial chapter books of engaging collections during our read aloud time, and students are able to continue to read from the series now available. Together we are in this...for the love of reading!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
This classroom project was brought to life by Seed to Read and 5 other donors.Summertime Reading Buddies
Funded Jun 4, 2022We did it! I was able to send off care packages home with my students so they were able to read and practice math and writing during the summer-Thanks to your donations of work folders, whiteboards, Knuffle Bunnies coupled with summer packets and books. The response was very positive and the students loved having their very own Knuffle Bunny to read to! I'm so thankful that you made this gift for a very special classroom possible. The young lady in the picture is my return student and I am amazed at how far she's come. Your contributions are making an impact in students' lives!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
Reading is FUNdamental
Funded Apr 15, 2022My students have begun their exciting journey into reading stories. They have learned to decode words, read high frequency words, and for many, just begun to ENJOY reading. This project allows me to capitalize on their interests to encourage them to read for meaning and enjoyment. My students have been asking to take over our read aloud time, but had been struggling with many of our picture books and limited reading choices. Now my students have a wide variety of books they can access and practice to read aloud to the class, and I can't wait to hear our new student led read alouds!
White the current publishers of the readers you've helped to purchase offer a good selection of age appropriate words to decode and high frequency words, they also give students more contemporary stories and characters-almost all of which they know and love already! As we previewed the books, I could hear the excitement of my kids as they recognized characters from shows, programs, and previous books we have read. Today was a festive day of excitement centered around reading. A teacher's dream!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
Learning in Color!
Funded Oct 11, 2021Because of your donations, we have been able to create a bright and cheery classroom with colorful decor and walls covered with math concepts, calendar, and posters. We have a language arts board with reading and writing resources and more! Our students have been able to add colorful touches to their work and look forward to using the color printer for more projects in the future! I personally benefit from the printer as well as I can affordably make my own resources to laminate and use again in the future.
The carpet has been a great addition to our classroom. We are learning about personal space and safely sitting and working together. This squares have helped tremendously with group and partner work as well as circling up in the mornings. They have even created their own rainy day game using the rows by color on the rug!
Thanks to your gift, I was able to create a warm, inviting and colorful classroom for our students and I am very grateful.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano
This classroom project was brought to life by #TeachHealthy with Nature Made and 3 other donors.Your Donations + Our Hard Work = Successful Mathematicians
Funded Dec 29, 2017Your donations have allowed me to teach math intervention with hands on exploration. They have also allowed my students to show what they have learned through a variety of mediums and demonstrate their understanding in different ways using an assortment of tools in accordance with our common core Standards of Mathematical Practice. For example, my first grade students used the ten frames and magnetic counters to determine the missing addends of addition sentences, create number bonds, and count on to solve addition problems with a sum greater than 10. They regularly use the counting bears and non-magnetic counters to aid them with their problem solving when necessary. My second and third grade students have enjoyed playing games to help reinforce their skills in finding number partners of 10 and practicing their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.
When my students first opened the boxes, it felt like Christmas! They were so excited and every day they walked in asking if there were more boxes to open for the rest of the week. It was a great feeling explaining to them that there are people who cared so much about their learning that they made it possible for us to have these great resources in our room. I have also been able to share resources with other teachers when they are teaching specific lessons. This is a gift that keeps on giving.
As my students are progressing, I see different materials that I overlooked. For example, this year I had to borrow place value materials, base ten blocks, and measurement tools. I am also looking for ways to introduce hands on math exploration for the older grades with fraction, decimals, and percentages. Future projects will include ways to creatively explore and show the equivalencies and conversions of the three.
Once again, all the materials provided have been put to good use and are greatly appreciated by the students and staff here at John D. Sloat Elementary!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Feliciano