Past projects 2
Discovering the World of Technology
Funded Aug 7, 2018Thank you for our gift of the tablets. Students were super excited when they showed up. We currently have 5, but with the amount of students in the classroom 3 more was a perfect addition. Students have been using them a lot this year. They use them a lot during reading rotations to practice sight word games, phonics skills, listening to reading or reading books themselves. During math students use the tablets to practice telling time, math fact fluency, math racing games, and place value.
We've used the tablets a lot for research this year in Science and Social Studies. Students have researched weather, animals, African Americans for Black History month, different authors we read about, etc. Students have defiantly used them to the fullest this year. I look forward to sharing them with my incoming 1st graders and hope they get the same fun, exciting experience of being researchers.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fiudo
Ready, Set, Bag and Read!
Funded Jul 12, 2018Thank you so much for the book bags. My students have enjoyed them since day 1. When they arrived it was like a birthday present/surprise. My students were truly excited to get their bags, decorate them and shop for their books. These bags have lasted all year. The amount of book students wanted to put in them throughout the year increased and now some are so full they are busting at the seams.
Students put non fiction, fiction books, books about animals, princesses, horses, frogs, Lego books, etc. in their bags. All of my students have grown in reading during the year. Their love of reading is magical and I love it. Thank you again for giving my students this gift. They will take their bags home at the end of the year and I hope fill them over the summer with books to continue their love of reading.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fiudo