Past projects 6
To Make Us Strong
Funded Mar 19, 2024Your gift brought to our school several items to aid in the social and emotional development of our students. They included calming strips that could be placed on student desks for immediate help with anxiety, anger, and frustration. In addition, we received a device with floating glitter that students have been able to use to provide calming during a time of anger and at times during a meltdown. In addition, we received an emotional ball that provides students with many choices to aid in emotional regulation. Finally, we received cubes to help students improve their acts of kindness toward one another and adults.
Students needing calming strips have been able to develop control over their emotions, reduce their stress, and decrease the number of times they have needed to report to a calm down room or corner. In addition, the glitter device has helped several of our students come out of a meltdown situation and able to return to class. Students have used the activities in the emotional ball at school to help with anger and stress. Many have even taken home the ideas and used them there. Finally, the kindness dice have helped students learn how to interact with individuals with more kindness.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
Fractions, Decimals, and Place Value
Funded Sep 24, 2021My students and I have been using the materials you provided for us to fine tune our place value skills and our fraction knowledge. The pandemic has created many problems for students, and one of those has been a gap in skills. For this year's fourth and fifth graders fraction skills and place value skills demonstrated some of our greatest gaps and weaknesses. The number lines and place value envelopes helped them visualize place value names and the values of digits in numbers. In addition, the number lines helped them understand that decimal numbers fell between two hole numbers on a number line representing a whole and pieces. The fraction bars helped them learn numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. While learning these skills, students enjoyed the use of the hands on and visual materials. Even though they were struggling with the skills, they found joy in the materials used to help them learn. Thank you so much for your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Homework Tools
Funded Jul 26, 2020I want to thank you for your generous donation to our classroom. There was a lot of confusion and anxiety as we began our school year through remote learning. Teachers and students alike were so worried and stressed over many things as we approached the first day of school. One of those was making sure that all students had the supplies they would need to complete activities through remote learning. Will they have pencils, crayons, dry erase markers, dice, cards, rulers, and many other items? These may seem like small inconsequential things to most people, but to students and teachers they are the world. It showed on their faces as they received their supply packages on hand out day at school. There were a lot of smiles and relieved faces as they explored the contents during our first day of remote learning when we celebrated your generosity.
Our students picked up their care packages that included the items that you provided. They have pencils to complete their work, as well as, help them learn their multiplication facts. They are able to use dry erase markers and make do dry erase boards to participate and interact during lessons completed remotely. They have dice and cards that allow them to play the games at home that they would normally play at school. They can also play these games with parents and siblings at home to improve their math fluency and other skills.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 6 other donors.Touching and Seeing Math
Funded May 29, 2020Your gift of hands on materials for my students. They have been a great aid for learning and understanding our math skills. The kids were able to increase the place value understanding and use those same manipulatives to build their understanding of addition with regrouping, subtraction with borrowing, and multiplication concepts. They get so excited when they are given their hands on pack for our lesson. I always have to give them time to manipulate and get creative with their materials before beginning our lesson.
My favorite lesson so far, has been helping them understand the concept that 324 x 4 meant that we had 4 groups of 324. They took the pieces of the materials your generosity provided and built 4 groups of 324 using 3 hundred cards, 2 ten cards, and 4 ones cards in each group. As we multiplied the problem, they could see that we multiplied each place value by 4, because we had 4 groups of each place value. They were also able to build and see the difference between the multiplication version and the addition version using the models they were able to build.
My students and I are looking forward to many more lessons with our tools.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.Fourth Grade Math Centers
Funded Jan 17, 2020Thank your for your support. My students and I appreciate your help in getting these materials for our classroom. We will enjoy all of the experiences with these materials as we increase our multiplication, division, and fraction skills. These will be a great addition to our math rotations and lessons.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
Charging iPads
Funded Aug 21, 2019We (my students and I) have been very appreciative of the gift that you have given us. We are no longer juggling iPads like a circus act in order for everyone to accomplish their program and research goals. Recently, we were doing an activity together and each person was able to participate 100% of the time, because no one had to share an iPad due to dead batteries. We have enough iPad chargers for our entire grade level to plug in their iPads at the end of the day and return the next day to find fully charged iPads ready for use the next morning. Last year, students would be so disappointed because they would have to wait for their turn to use an iPad since their battery was unable to make it through the day. At other times, students would fall behind on required apps and programs, because their iPads would not maintain charge. We had 40 iPad chargers for the 50 iPads that required charging. Thanks to you, that is no longer a problem and students are performing well.
We continue to be appreciative and humbled by your act of kindness.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
This classroom project was brought to life by Walmart and 2 other donors.