Past projects 2
A Classroom Within a Library
Funded Jul 20, 2019Middle school students don't usually come through my door excited about reading. Most of them dread it, avoid it, or refuse to do it. So many of them have been forced to read texts that are not interesting to them or do not reflect life experiences to which they can relate.
Thanks to your generosity - that has not been the case in my classroom this year! We start each class with independent choice reading and books are flying off our classroom library shelves. Many students have already completed 2 or 3 books in the first 9 weeks of school. It is amazing to see their excitement about building their book stacks. Most importantly, they tell me they see themselves in the books and find them relatable.
After completing their books, I print mini book covers that they glue on their reader notebooks. When reading time ends, they beg for just a a few more minutes. Parents have informed me that their children are talking about our class and the books they're reading. Students are loving books, and my teacher heart is bursting!
I have absolutely loved seeing the impact this project has made on my students. I'm so grateful to all of you who made it possible. Mission accomplished!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Scott
This classroom project was brought to life by and 10 other donors.Summer Reading and Library Beautification Program
Funded Jul 19, 2016Thanks to your generosity, our students are enjoying the library more than ever! Students are frequently visiting the library before school, during lunch, and after school. You can find them lounging on our amazing new seating, reading books on Kindles, and using Wifi to read from their own devices.
Teachers are loving the increased fluency they're seeing in the classroom. More reading logs are being filled out and returned to teachers, which results in increased grades. Students are excited to able to read in a variety of ways.
This project was a huge success for our school. The library looks fantastic and we received compliments from visitors and parents regularly.
Thank you for making this project possible and helping kids read more at our school!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Scott