Past projects 1
Our Materials Need Homes Too!
Funded Sep 4, 2019This classroom project was brought to life by San Diego Gas & Electric and one other donor.
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My students have many resources and tools available to support their learning. Textbooks, library books, pencil boxes, notebooks, and the list goes on. All these materials need a home within in the classroom. Tubs and storage unit would help in keeping me and my students organized. The tubs would be used for classroom library books and leveled readers. The students would be able to easily access and return books that interest them but also quickly grab their assigned books at their reading level. The storage unit would be used to store their multiple textbooks and workbooks needed for each subject matter. These tubs and cubby spaces will also be used to store other materials such as glue, scissors, crayons, markers, etc. so that everything has its own place. My students need specific areas to put away their materials and books Tubs and a cubby storage unit will essentially provide my students an opportunity to be organized and give them a sense of ownership in the environment they learn in. I believe that organizational skills also contribute to their success in taking ownership of their learning. It helps them take pride in their classroom which essentially is a second home throughout the year. It is important they learn to take pride in and care for their learning environment.