Personalized Choice Seating

Funded Mar 9, 2016

The new seating you helped provide for my classroom has been an amazing addition to our room! The bean bag chairs have been an additional choice for students to use during their independent work time. Many students have been choosing to sit in the bean bag chairs while they are working instead of at a desk or table. The students are much more comfortable and therefore stay more focused on their work. The wobble chairs are at the technology station. The students love to sit and move around a little while they are working on their Chromebooks! It gives them some movement while still being safe with their computers.

The students were very excited when we got the new seating. They all wanted to use them right away. Luckily, the bean bag chairs and wobble chairs were delivered a few days apart so we were able to rotate and make sure everyone got a chance to try them out.

In the next few months, I am going to be working on continuing to change up my classroom to give my students more choice seating and flexibility in the classroom. So far the changes have made a great learning environment for my students and I can't wait to add to it.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Thresh