Past projects 29
Stop the Background Noise!
Funded Mar 22, 2018Thank you for the donation of head phones to my classroom. This donation has been very exciting and helpful to my Littles. We use ipads on a daily bases for math and phonics. I now have enough headphones for all my students so that they can work with out disturbing their table partners. Our classroom has 22 littles and as you can guess it get a little loud with all the computers going at once. My Littles have become more productive with their work because they can concentrate on what they are doing. The Phonics based program is very engaging and each level has a different theme, so they are not all on the same level. Before, we got the head phones my Littles would get up to see what level another is on it was too distracting. They are moving levels quicker due to the lack of outside noise. All, the students love their headphones, and they get to keep them in their cubbies. The fact that they each have their own has also taught them to be more responsible in keeping them where they should be. Thank you, for your donation to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and one other donor.Can You Hear Me Now?
Funded Mar 11, 2018Thank you for the donation to my classroom. These speakers have been a life saver for my classroom. I only had the speakers from my laptop and they were not very loud. I used the speakers for all my lessons and for brain breaks for my Littles. For math warm ups, we often watched videos that helped my students learn to count to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. This was a great way to get them "math ready" and warmed to feel good about doing math. In Reading, I was able to find audio and videos on books that we were reading in the classroom. This helped students see and hear the book read by someone else and it often lead to great discussion about how others sound and read. All, my students loved having the speakers so they could hear the videos, but the boys loved it the most. During indoor recess, I would often put on videos of different habitats and they would love to just sit on the carpet, listen and see different "worlds." I can lie the girls loved the speakers on "Just Dance" Friday. If the class earned enough reward points, we turned the classroom into a dance floor. They requested songs and they got to sing along and dance to the music. It was a great way to end the week. Once again, thank you for the donation to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 2 other donors.Class Store is OPEN!
Funded Mar 2, 2018I just wanted to thank you for the donation to my classroom and the to also say sorry for being late on my thank you package. The resources you purchased for my classroom has been a great motivation tool for my students. They were so excited to see all the new markers and candy. They worked really hard on following the rules and making great choices. When students make a good choice they get a Class Dojo point that helps them earn candy, books or special privileges. We have very specific rules that earn points, but the biggest one was to be and speak kind to others. That was the ONE rule that we all held each other accountable for and the one that earned the most points. It was great to watch them speak and go out of their way to be kind. My favorite saying I heard many times was, "Do you think you could have said that in a nicer tone!" My Little's really took pride in being kind to one another. I will continue to use the prizes as a reward! Once again, thank you so much for the donation to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Better Pencils and Better Grips = Better Work!
Funded Jan 9, 2018My students are always excited when they get donations in the mail. The pencil grips are a great tool for them. Most of my students have poor pencil grips and they hold the pencil in more of a grasp. So, these grips and new pencils allowed me to re-introduce the proper pencil grip for them. Plus, have new things makes it more exciting for them. We write everyday in my classroom and the pencil grips are getting used and it helps the students with their writing and letter formation. We keep the grips in a container, so they do not get lost. The container is passed around and students that need them just grab one and they get to work. Having pencils allows us to get right to work without hunting down pencils in other classrooms. We, do writing across the curriculum, so they get the practice. The one area the students love to write in is Math, they love to write about how they solve problems. Once, again thank you so much for the donation to my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Just Some Odds and Ends!
Funded Dec 28, 2017Thank you so much for the donations of some Odds and Ends for my classroom. I did receive a few reading items that my littles are so excited about. We started using our Weekly Reader Magazines, and it has been really great getting them used to the routine for them. They are so excited to read something besides a book. We are doing a unit on Habitats and we just got a magazines about snakes and on about buffalo that gave them some great pictures and information. These Weekly readers are a great way for me to introduce "informational text" features to them and it is great source of information. We also got "Time Life" for the ipads but because that subscription will be purchased at the beginning of next year. So, it will be great to start off the year with that. The other items that were purchased are very useful in the classroom. We got a variety of Expo markers, that make "center life" easy and our phonics time easy. I am always so grateful for the donations to my class.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Let’s Get Connected!
Funded Dec 22, 2017My students love to work with technology and see all the different things they can lean. Including, your donation we have almost enough ipads for all the students. We do have different tablets but ipads are more compatible for the different software we can use. We often use the ipads for Lexia Reading and the kids love that they can just grab a tablet and do some work any where in the classroom. We also, have a math program that students log into 3/4 times week to work on their math skills. It is very interactive and hands on. The program sends me a weekly report on students progress. There are some reading comprehension programs that the girls love to use. We use the tablets on a daily bases and all the kids love to use them. I think the most exciting thing about the tablets is that almost every student has one and there is not sharing or waiting turns. In turn, that makes my life a tad bit easier. I can never say, THANK YOU enough for the donation to my littles and their learning.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Just Can’t Get Enough of These!
Funded Dec 17, 2017I can not even start to explain the excitement of my Littles when they opened the box to see more of the magnetic blocks. They knew that these blocks were adding to the ones we already have and that meant that the would not have to wait as long to play with them. Getting these extra blocks has allowed me to have two tables for a "center" using them.
My students rotate play centers for indoor recess. I have the blocks at two tables close to each other. This allows the student to combine the blocks to make a bigger structure and them working together to create it. They have built structures with doors that open and gates that swing open. As, they play more they really use their imaginations to build really neat things. The only arguing I hear is when it is time to clean up, because NO one wants to tear down their structures. I have spoken to our Art Teacher and she is going to work on helping them design a building and I am going to have them build them for our science class. Once, again thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Winter is Coming!
Funded Nov 8, 2017Thank you, for your donation of games and puzzles. When receiving the package the students were so excited because they had worked together to decide what we were asking for. I opened the box and we took out each game and puzzle and talked about them, Did they have the game? Had they played the game before, how many people should work together on a puzzle. My littles had much to say and what the rules should be for playing with each one. I have created a rotating stations for the games & puzzles, so the students can get an equal amount of time at each station. This has worked out well, and they have learned the rules for the games. I allow for a "Station Captain" for each station and this person is responsible for the rules being followed and the materials being cared for. My littles take these stations seriously and are learning to play fair and get along. The favorite game is Trouble!! When the groups play, they are very intense about it and they all count along to make sure that "NO one" miss counts and they follow the rules. I think they like the popping noise the most, because I can hear echo's of "POP" from the table. We have tossed around the idea of having a "trouble" championship with the different winners. Once, again thank you so much for the donation. We are enjoying the games and puzzles more than you can imagine.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Let's Get Connected and Learn!
Funded Oct 12, 2017I am so excited about this donation to my littles. This donation has allowed me to group and rotate my littles during intervention. During my intervention block, I pull students who get "small group" instruction. The iPads allow the other students to work independently on other "phonic" based programs and math skill activities. The iPads are easy to log in and students just grab their iPads and headphone and get to work. The students love that they can do most of the logging on and work on their own. In a few weeks, I am going to teach them to do some research on the iPads to start to gather some information for a project, so these iPads will be a great tool to help them research. Having the iPads, keeps us in the classroom and out of the computer lab. Keeping us in the classroom, keeps the students more engaged and independent. All, my littles love using the iPads. I do have a few students, who get free time on the computer as part of a behavior plan and it has been a great motivator for them. Once again, thank you for the donation..”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane
Stop the Noise!
Funded Oct 12, 2017I can not explain the transformation these headphones have made in my classroom. The students were so excited that they have all gotten their own headphones to use. It has made my life easier too, when needed they just grab the headphones and get to work. The headphones are used for different activities, but mostly during our Intervention block. They all log into a computer or iPad to use a phonics program or math program. They all have their own log ins and get right to work. If they are scheduled for listening center time they just unplug and plug in to the CD player. The headphones, have made the transitions easier and less of me being a referee. The biggest influence this donation has made has been giving my students a sense of responsibility for their headphone. We learned how to wrap them up and put them away. I would say, all the students love having their own headphones, but its the girls who are more careful and gentle with them. Once again, thank you so much for your donation.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Deane