Past projects 1
Music and Movement, Oh My!
Funded Sep 14, 2019I am indebted to all of you for this project and I wanted to thank you all for your donations to my classroom, my students love their new resources. All students were so excited each and every time we use our new materials, the new resources help every student with their music learning. My students have been working on a variety of musical concepts through guided listening with movement where each student can develop excellent ears while joyfully responding to music concepts along with some of the greatest classical music pieces of all time. Students are having a blast learning about musical elements, composers and great musical works all while having the opportunity to sing, play, listen and move every-time they enter the music room.
In the music room we have been using the Hoberman Sphere to help us with our vocal warm ups and breathing exercises, the stretchy band to aid us in moving to the beat, singing high and low and to reinforce musical form. First grade has recently begun a project using a story book and turning it into a musical story we first added the hoop streamers to show how we sing high and low while we sing along to the story the next step is to add instruments while we sing and move to high/ low and the pitches Sol and MI. As I look to the future projects with my students we are gearing up to use the parachute with a focus on musical form and steady beat to the Finale to the William Tell Overture”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bush
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.