Past projects 3
Promoting Healthy Child Development Through Play and Exercise is Crucial!
Funded Oct 12, 2016Dear Generous Donors,
Thank you so much for contributing towards my Pre-Kindergarten students' playground equipment. My students were so excited when all of the new playground equipment arrived and couldn't wait to start using it. They absolutely LOVE the new bicycles. They enjoy riding around the school's parking lot with a friend in the back of their chariot style bike.
So far we have only used the new water/sand table with water for one day, before the weather got too chilly. However, on that day it was a big hit and they all took turns using the table! I will add sand to the table in the spring when the weather warms up a little more. This will be very exciting for the students to have a sand table to play with while they are out at the playground.
The students really love the ribbon twirlers too! As soon as brought them out from the shed, they all wanted to run around with them and chase eachother's rainbows.
Thank you all so much for helping to enrich the students' outdoor play experience at school! Your generosity is greatly appreciated by all”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schieb
Help Us Remain Healthy and Focused on Learning! Edition 2
Funded Feb 7, 2016Thank you so much for your generous donation! With your donation we were able to purchase 20 balance ball chairs, which is enough for every student in the class to have one to sit in at their table area. When the chairs arrived, I had the students assemble the chairs and blow up the balls. This was such a fun experience and the students were very proud of themselves.
I am very excited about the opportunities that these chairs give us. In addition to encouraging movement and helping students to remain focused on learning throughout the day, I also plan on using the balls to incorporate some stretching, yoga and exercise activities. The possibilities are endless!
Without your support and generosity this project would not have been possible. I am so proud to work in such a wonderful community with people like you. It is truly amazing that in a week's time we were able to raise over $1,500.
Thank you again for your continued support, encouragement and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schieb
Help Us Remain Healthy and Focused on Learning!
Funded Jan 29, 2016Thank you so much for your generous donation to our classroom. I love and appreciate the support of our wonderful families and community members. I was absolutely amazed when this project was funded in less than 24 hours! That's definitely a testament to the type of community that our school is located in.
The six balance ball chairs arrived in just two days after the project was funded. When the students came into the classroom and saw the chairs at the reading table, they were ecstatic! Each child couldn't wait for their turn to sit on the chairs. So far we only have six chairs so they are located at our reading table, but in a few days we will have enough chairs so that everyone will have their own to sit on at their table spot. The students can't wait until their own chair comes.
The chairs fit perfectly at our current tables and they help the children to keep moving around while they are sitting. One of the students in the class said, "Wow...these chairs make sitting down fun!"
Thank you again for your generosity. Without supportive families and community members like you, this project would never have been possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schieb