Past projects 6
Chromebooks To Help Young Scientists
Funded Jan 30, 2017Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this opportunity happen for my students. They will be able to research and share their scientific discoveries with the Chromebooks. Your kindness and thoughtfulness are very appreciated. This will mean so much to our whole school. You have made a huge difference.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy
This classroom project was brought to life by and 6 other donors.3D Doodlers Help Combine Art, Science And Technology
Funded Dec 25, 2016I really can not express my gratitude to you for being an participant in such a great opportunity for my students. They could not believe that they could use the 3D pens to create such great structures and sculptures. They have been requesting to use the 3D pens and have been researching new projects , and landmarks they want to make. They come in with piles of papers that they researched to be able to use the pens. The kit itself has 12 3D pens so the kids have been having a lot of turns using them. They have been telling their friends in different classes, and much of their lunch and recess time is spent on what they are going to try to create with the 3D pens.
This opportunity has allows students that are great at science and engineering to explore art, and it has allowed kids that are naturally creative in art and sculpture learn more about science and engineering. It has helped kids become critical thinkers and problem solvers as well. The actual material is quite durable so their creations are very handy.
Again, I just can not say thank you enough for your thoughtfulness, generosity, and giving students the opportunity to see what art meets engineering can look like.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy
This classroom project was brought to life by 3Doodler and one other donor.Owl Pellets Help Make the Food Chain Become A Reality
Funded Nov 29, 2016First of all, I just have to say thank you so, so very much for all of your support. Owl pellets never cease to capture the imagination and curiosity of students . The students had done a little research about the owl pellets and how they are formed. They also loved investigating the different parts and if they had a full skeleton or not.
Many students have made comments about how they loved the activity and how they would love to be able to compare their skeletons to each others again. Thank you once again for this opportunity because this truly had an impact on their lives. Many, many tokens of appreciation for making this opportunity happen.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy
Help Us Make Our Own Living Cell
Funded Sep 26, 2016I have to again say, thank you so much for giving the students this opportunity. The Mudd Watts are being used with the 4th and 5th grade classes. Each class has two Mudd Watts and they are having a competition to see which class will produce the most electricity. Each class can add nutrients to the mudd mix. They added peanut butter, vinegar, ketchup, ranch dressing, and compost. So far peanut butter has given off the most volts. We have also watched a Ted Talk on biofuels. The students are very excited to see that mud can produce energy.
When the kids first started seeing the Mudd watt the were intrigued but didn't really understand how it worked. When the first one started to blink because of the mud, they were very excited. They could not believe it was blinking. I showed all of the kids in the lunchroom. Now they keep asking about how much power and volts their Mudd Watt is producing.
The next steps to this project are to let the kids continue watching the Mudd Watt for the next 5 weeks. After this time they will they get to change what they had made and see if they can win round two. I expect the second round to be a tad bit more sophisticated then the first because their understanding is deeper then before.
Thank you so much or helping provide this opportunity for our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy
This classroom project was brought to life by Tom's of Maine and 2 other donors.Help Bring Our School Garden Back to Life
Funded Aug 24, 2016Thank you so much for donating to our project. Not only are the students excited about the garden, the staff , community and our PTO are too. Many students are excited for the spring to come so they can see their hard work pay off. They are planning on what to grow and have set up the plan and design for the garden.
The students could not believe your generosity. They are very excited to research, plan and see how their gardens grow. They will be focusing on a pollinator garden, a vegetable garden and a herb garden.
This will come for many years to come as the students begin to grow the garden and look at what they can grow. The community is involved and very excited to see this project take root. Thank you again for the amazing opportunity for our school garden. Your impact will be felt for many years and generations to come.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy
This classroom project was brought to life by Target and 4 other donors.Circuit Scribes and Ozobots Help Artists Become Scientists
Funded May 25, 2016Thank you so much for making this project happen. When I showed the students the Ozobots and Circuit Scribes they were very excited and curious about how to use them. They did not take long to show how creative they could be. They designed different codes and mazes for both. The students were very enthusiastic to show others how they got their Ozobots to go.
The first time the kids played with them they were exploring and discovering them. By the time the kids had a couple of more experiences with them, they had developed much more complex designs. The level of thinking was much deeper, and they were hoked.
The next steps with this project is to have students continuing to explore the different uses and designs that go with this. I am learning more about how to use them in the classroom so the possibilities of continuing to use them are endless. I really can not tell you how eternally grateful I am for helping this opportunity to become alive. You have really touched the lives of many students. Thank you so much for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pearcy