My school is a Title 1 school with students from various diverse backgrounds. Many of my students come from a low income household and don't have access to a computer or digital resources at home. I would love to be able to provide that to them in school! I have only a few Chromebooks for my students, but it is difficult to engage my students in digital classroom activities due to the limited number of devices. I am personally limited to a desk when I want to use technology. I would love the opportunity to be able to show videos, play interactive technology games, and supplement our curriculum with digital resources. I want to share my passion for integrating technology with my students. I am always looking for new, innovative ways to teach my students. I would love to explore new programs and websites to enhance my students' education in this era of technology.
About my class
My school is a Title 1 school with students from various diverse backgrounds. Many of my students come from a low income household and don't have access to a computer or digital resources at home. I would love to be able to provide that to them in school! I have only a few Chromebooks for my students, but it is difficult to engage my students in digital classroom activities due to the limited number of devices. I am personally limited to a desk when I want to use technology. I would love the opportunity to be able to show videos, play interactive technology games, and supplement our curriculum with digital resources. I want to share my passion for integrating technology with my students. I am always looking for new, innovative ways to teach my students. I would love to explore new programs and websites to enhance my students' education in this era of technology.