Past projects 11
Students Need To Explore Math With A Growth Mindset!
Funded Aug 27, 2024Thank you for your generous donations. With all the support we have received, our students are equipped with the tools they need to be successful. Knowing that they will be able to focus and explore different strategies using the whiteboard as a blank slate, where thay can work and strategize different ideas to solving problems.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and 5 other donors.Cleaning Supplies to Keep Us Healthy!
Funded Aug 10, 2024Thank you so much for supporting our classroom needs. These supplies are essential to keeping our classroom clean and healthy. Our students take pride in our classroom environment and have jobs to help keep it clean and neat. We are thankful and blessed to have such amazing supporters by our side.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
This classroom project was brought to life by Ulta Beauty Charitable Foundation and 4 other donors.Soaring into 7th Grade
Funded May 10, 2024Thank you for all of your donations. Your genoristy and kindness allows my students to have a fun end to the school year. This tie-dye activity will let us celebrate in style. I can't wait to see their amazing designs. My amazing students are ready to soar into 7th grade.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 7 other donors.Moving on Up!
Funded Aug 22, 2023Thank you for supporting my classroom. Without your genourous donations, all students would not have access to all the supplies that they need to be successfull in the classroom. Being able to to provide them the tools that they need makes a large impact on their academic success. They know that they are supported and will be able to have the same experience that all students should have.
Many of our students come from their home countries to the United States for a better life. They want their children to get an education so that they will not have the same struggles that their familes have faced. Being given the proper tools and support gives them an advantage.
Thank you again for making all students equal.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 2 other donors.Organization is the Key to Success!
Funded Dec 4, 2023Thank you so much for your kindness and genorsity. Your support to our classroom is greatly appreciated. My students will learn that organizations is key to their success. This will allow them to focus on the task by being organized and ready to learn. We all want the best for our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston.Having The Right Tools In School Leads To Success!
Funded Aug 22, 2022Thank you so much for your generous donations. Many of my students are not able to buy school supplies due financial difficulty. Knowing that your genoristy allowed all students to have what they need to be succesful in the classroom. They are now able to focus on their academic success because of the tools/supplies they received.
My students who had just arrived from numerous countries were so excited to pick out a pencil box and fill it up with all the supplies they needed. It was nice to the the smiles on their faces. Their reactions were priceless. The little things in life mean alot to them.
As we start to get close to the end of the year, we would like to make a remeberance t-shirt where they can tie dye and have each student sign it. We will where these on field day to represent Team B315 in the tug of war competition!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
Fun in the Classroom!
Funded Nov 28, 2022We want to thank you for your genourous donations towards "Our Fun in the Classroom!"
As a teacher, I want to make sure that my students have a safe and enjoyable environment. They work hard all week and look forward to "Fun Friday."
The board games are a reward that makes them feel that their hard work is valued. At the end of each week, they have choice time where they can relax on the rug and and play traditional board games that we grew up with. It teaches them social skills while planning strategies to beat their opponent. Checkers, chess, jenga, trouble and uno, are the most popular games that they enjoy playing. Now with your generous donation, we have plenty of games for the whole class to play at once. They like to challenge me to a game or two. I enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces while strategizing in a relaxing environment.We can't thank you enough for making our classroom a special place to learn and have fun.
Your generous donation has made an impact on our classroom environment. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
Help My Students Learn With the Tools They Need!
Funded Mar 4, 2021I want to thank you for your genoristy in donating all of the schools supplies that my students need to be successful in the classroom. During this difficult time many of our students familes struggle. Just knowing that their children would have everything they need to start school from supplies to a backpack. I am truly humbled by your generosity. I cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciate you and your support.
Each student was excited to have their own pencil box with all the supplies they need. No more borrowing from a classmate. They take pride in having their own materials and neatly put them back in their pencil box.
Thank you for your kind and generous donations! We are very appreciative!!"”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
Solving Problems
Funded Jan 11, 2018Thank you for your generous donation to our classroom. The giant white board has allowed my students to be able to explore their math skills on the board. Until we received our new board, my students didn't have anywhere they could work out their problems except on paper. They think of this as a giant canvas. They enjoy working with a partner, sharing strategies and showing the class their thought process. Being able to move around the classroom keeps them engaged in the lesson. The first time we used it was to solve geometry problems where they could Think, Explore, and Solve. Having visuals is extremely important to my English Language Learners. A illustration can explain the bigger picture and help their understanding.
My students were so excited to have the board placed in our room where they would have access to it at all times. Not only do they solve problems on it, they love to doodle on it. They draw cartoons and write Mrs. Jewer is the Best Teacher! That makes me feel special and know that they appreciate me. Children need to be able to express themselves and the White board allows them to do this. Each day as we line up to leave the classroom, they run to the board and write messages. Writing on the board is exciting for them
This is my 4th year teaching and each year I try to add to my kid friendly classroom environment. Donors choose has been a big part of making my room a place my students enjoy. I have a student friendly zone with a rug area that includes bean bag chairs and board games for them to play along with their new board. This is the area where kids can be kids. I will continue to make my room the envy of all students. I want them to know that school should be a happy and safe place they look forward to. An engaging, fun environment makes for a successful classroom.
I am thankful for all the generous donors who have made my classroom a place my students want to come to each day.
Thank You!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J
Math Is Fun! Traditional Board Games Provide Learning Opportunities
Funded Nov 6, 2017Working in an urban community with children from all over the world that come from different backgrounds can have many challenges. My students have faced many obstacles to get here and settle in a new place. My job as a teacher is to make sure that they have a safe and enjoyable environment. The beanbag chairs and board games are a reward that makes them feel that their hard work is valued. At the end of each week, they have choice time where they can relax on the beanbags and play traditional board games that we grew up with. It teaches them social skills while planning strategies to beat their opponent. Checkers, chess, jenga and mancala are the most popular games that they enjoy playing. Now with your generous donation, we have plenty of games for the whole class to play at once. They like to challenge me to a game or two. I enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces while strategizing in a relaxing environment.
When they heard that we were getting new seating for the room along with board games, they were ecstatic. The rug we have doesn't fit the entire class during lesson time or choice time. They used to fight over rug spots, now they have plenty of space for everyone to sit. It also allows them to move their beanbag chairs to quiet spots throughout the room to work during the exploration of our lesson in our now extended seating. Kids need to get up and move around during class time. This allows them to do so while being comfortable.
We have just finished learning multi-digit multiplication and division. As a final project to the unit, the students have paired up to create a board game of their own using what they have just learned. They need to create the game using problems that take different strategies to solve. They have learned how to use models, algorithms and other strategies to get their answers. I can't wait to see what they come up with. We may have some new board games for our classroom. Maybe even a prototype! (They are learning about this in Science)
We can't thank you enough for making our classroom a special place to learn and have fun. Your generous donation has made an impact on our classroom environment. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. J