Past projects 1
Have a Seat, Take a Load Off Your Feet!
Funded Apr 16, 2018First of all, I would just like to say thank you for your donation. We have absolutely loved having our new carpet in our classroom. It is not only practical, but it also adds so much color and life to our classroom.
We use our carpet daily for many different things. We use it for a morning meeting and we also use it for whole group instruction. The children love that I am able to do my instruction down on the carpet with them.
We are always excited for new things in Kindergarten! My students were thrilled when they came in one Wednesday morning to find the new carpet out of the floor. They made sure to pick up all their trash and even asked if they could take off their shoes to walk on it. They wanted to make sure it stayed clean.
Again, thank you so much for contributing to my classroom. We all greatly appreciate it and our carpet will be used by many kindergartners and for many years to come.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Honeycutt