Past projects 1
Creating Cultural Art and Art in the Manner of Masters
Funded Nov 29, 2016
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The community we live in believes that all individuals can and should engage in some level of artistic expression. As a teacher, l believe strongly that the arts are important in developing creativity, confidence, motor skills, and perseverance in addition to a variety of skills that my students will use for the rest of their lives. The supplies on our wish list will provide my students the opportunity to practice traditional art such as carving, etching, and weaving in addition to creating art in the manner of various masters. Your generous donation of art materials will ensure that my students from a small rural Alaskan village integrate art into various various aspects of Inupiaq life and have the opportunity for meaningful art lessons and exposure. My students will be able to determine art aesthetics, describe works of art, produce art, and incorporate art into various other content areas.