Funded Mar 12, 2016Dear Donors,
Thanks to you we now have iPads for our students! There are so many amazing apps that use interactive games that help improve their academics. The class uses them every day. I have seen substantial growth in their reading, math, and spelling abilities and also their interest in reading for enjoyment.
The app that my students enjoy the most is called "Epic" It contains tons of all sorts of different on-line books of all different levels. We allow them to use this if they finish their work early. As I write this, four of my students are on Epic; moments ago, all of them were using "Imagine learning".
I have one student that was on beginning kindergarten level (he is in third grade) and made no progress last year until we received your kind gift. He has made steady progress and has gained nearly one grade level! Imagine, a student who made almost no progress in three years of school and thanks in large part to your gift, he is learning to read.”
With gratitude,
Mr. C.