Past projects 22
Get Jiggy With Giant Jenga!
Funded Feb 20, 2020Thank you so much for this very generous donation. My students have already discovered the joys of this important team building tool... it is delightful to watch the 16 and 17 year old inner city kids playing together in various team building activities.
It is difficult for my students to lose a little control and play during these types of activities, as many of them struggle with allowing themselves to have a little childish fun. Many of them have experienced significant childhood trauma, and being able to relax and enjoy a team activity is priceless!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
Just One Thing: Skills To Support Emotional Health!
Funded Dec 3, 2019Thank yo so very much for the donation of the book "Just One Thing". This book provides research-based techniques to help students who have suffered trauma. My school has the very high "Ace" (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score (80 % have a score of 3 or above), which translated into a very large amount of my students have experienced or are experiencing sever trauma in their lives. This can make learning a very challenging event for my students.
Using this book on a weekly basis will enable my students to develop healthy emotional skills to deal with the pain that life has dealt them . The book provides practical help for now and for the rest of their lives. I appreciate it greatly!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 2 other donors.Ice Ice, Baby! Ice Machine for Teachers Lounge!
Funded Oct 14, 2019This wonderful donation of an ice machine for teacher at my school has been nothing short of life changing for the staff at my school. This year has been a particularly stressful year for the staff. We moved into a new building in August and are combining a very successful, high performing academic and artistic program with former students of the failing school that were housed in our new building. The staff has risen to the challenge beautifully, embracing their new students with as much love, professionalism, and empathy as possible. It is working out wonderfully, but has been stressful beyond belief.
Enter...a "sonic" ice machine in the staff room that YOU donated. This little machine is the most popular stopping place in the entire school. Teachers enjoy the little luxury of the very good ice, and gather around the spot to interact and support each other.
This donation means so much more than I can say. Thank you very much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by Volkswagen and 2 other donors.Help for Trauma: Books for Students in Crisis
Funded Sep 16, 2019Thank you so much for the donation of this amazing book " Help for trauma: Students in Crisis". Each student in my class will have a coy of their own to read, discuss, and work through. We will use this book as class work, and I will have individual students do specific homework depending on their life situation.
My students come from a wide variety of circumstances, and most have experienced severe traumatic experiences before they ever step foot in my classroom. Your donation will give some emotional relief and peace to my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
Storage Solutions: A Place for Everything
Funded Sep 10, 2019I cannot adequately express how very grateful I am for the donation of this amazing storage area. A hug problem in the past in my classroom is missing or forgotten work..."I left that in my backpack" was a frequent and irritating refrain. This resulted in loss of learning time, when work had to be done over. This amazing shelf has entirely resolved this issue.
Now, my student have a safe, designated area to leave class work, journals and project at school in my classroom. Each student has their own shelf labeled with their name. It is like a "grown-up" cubby system that you might see in a pre-school classroom.
This shelf systems also allows me the capability of easily handing back completed work and assessments, as well as communicating in writing with students in their shelf. It has increased my efficiency as a teacher!
Again, thank you very much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
"Crazed" For Chromebooks - 2
Funded Dec 21, 2018Thank you so much for this amazingly generous donation that is putting the power of the Internet into the hands of my students on a daily basis! My students will be able to research individual and group projects, write them, and upload them to our classroom website. There, they can peer edit and communicate with each other on the merits of various objects. The Chromebooks will increase my students ability to communicate and collaborate on a daily basis.
This truly opens up the world of my high poverty students. They experience great economic oppression, and opening the world can truly save their lives!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 5 other donors.DRUM for FUN!
Funded Nov 17, 2018Thank you so very much for your generous donation towards my drumming project. Drumming is used in my classroom to engender community teamwork, relieve stress...and to just have fun together as a class. I am a certified drumming therapist, and the use of drums for my high stress, high poverty students is a direct way to provide immediate mental health emergency care. My students are in desperate need of tricks and tools to help them deal with adverse childhood experiences, neglect, abuse, and the crushing challenge of living in extreme poverty. Your donation will help them every day.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by The Foundation for OKCPS & Kirkpatrick Foundation and one other donor."Crazed" For Chromebooks
Funded Oct 9, 2018Thank you so very much for your generous donation to my project to put the power of the Internet into my student's hands. With the addition of these Chromebooks, my students will be able to do research, work on individual and group projects, and write/submit classroom work directly to the classroom Google classroom site.
Chromebooks are wonderful tools to unlock the wide world to my students, most of whom come from very discouraging circumstances, and they do not have access to internet at their home.
Again, you are a "ROCK STAR" for your donation to my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.Mindfulness Miracle, Too!!
Funded Aug 22, 2018Thank you so much for your amazing donation to my mindfulness and yoga project. With these mats and yoga props (straps and blocks) I have been able to offer five yoga classes a week for students at Classen SAS. Since I have received my materials in late September, I have been able to teach 155 students in after school classes. In addition, I have begun to work with our high school basketball girls twice a week, and have taught all twenty of them for 12 sessions.
The students at Classen SAS have been so responsive to the offering of mindfulness and yoga. We are considering offing classes at lunch as well.
thank yo so much for making a difference in the lives of my Classen SAS students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 2 other donors.Mindfulness Miracle
Funded Aug 18, 2018I am so very grateful for your generous donation to my mindfulness and yoga project. Thanks to your generosity, I am now able to provide 5 yoga mindfulness classes a week for my students and even for the faculty of my school.
The ability to manage and mitigate the harmful effects of chronic stress is critical for the short term and life long success of my students. Many of my students have experienced significantly adverse childhood events, like extreme poverty, drug abuse in the family, abuse, neglect, and significant loss, and are in great need of intervention to mitigate the possible negative effects such experiences may have in their future life.
These yoga mats and props will great add to the skills my students will need to have a happy and healthy life.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hyatt