Past projects 11
The Rhythm Is In Us!
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you ever so much for your generous donation to my music classroom, these two drums are AMAZING! I wish you could have seen my students' faces light up when I introduced them to our new percussion instruments, they were thrilled.
These new drums will be used by all of my students and continue to be used for years as I spread the magic of music to my talented music students. Thank you for believing, as I do, that music education is a fundamental part of schooling for every child.
Thanks again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple.Making Music Under the Sea
Funded Dec 20, 2017Thank you so much for the generosity that you have shown my music students through your donation to my project. I wish you could have seen the smiles on my second graders' faces when the boxes arrived and I started unboxing our new excited materials.
My students have been using the OceanDrums in groups of two and three as we listen to music of varying moods and learn about adding sound effects to stories. It is so much fun for my young little musicians to get to experience music in such a colorful memorable way that also utilizes kinesthetic learning.
Please know that your generosity and love of music education has brightened my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
Help Us Get Moving in Music!
Funded Dec 20, 2017Thank you so much for the generosity that you have shown my music students through your donation to my project. I wish you could have seen the smiles on my second graders' faces when the boxes arrived and I started unboxing our new excited materials.
My students have been using the Shape Shifters in groups of two and three as we move to different music and learn about partner songs and games. It is so much fun for my young little musicians to get to experience movement in music in such a colorful memorable way that also utilizes kinesthetic learning.
Please know that your generosity and love of music education has brightened my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
Boom Bang Clap Learn
Funded Apr 6, 2017The drums that your generous donations helped provide my students have arrived and we have been using them everyday since we opened the boxes. The students' faces as I introduced them to our new drums were priceless, everyone was so excited to get their hands on our new equipment. We now have a full classroom set of hand drums that will allow my classes to perform a full drum circle, with all students having the opportunity to play a drum.
I am very lucky to have donors like you, who like myself, know that music education is important and provides chances for unique learning and communal experiences that no other subject matter provides.
Thanks again for thinking of my students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
Little Lions in Motion
Funded Sep 24, 2015When my students saw our new materials they were instantly excited and wanted to begin using them immediately. The variety of materials that your generosity has provided my students is perfect for my unique learners. Some of my students were most excited by the microphones, some were begging to open up the ribbon wands, while others were looking forward to opening up the activity mats.
My students are using our new classroom materials as we explore the five elements of music: tempo, mood, form, dynamic, and texture. We have used the ribbon wands as we danced along to classical music and made our bodies match the mood of the music, we have used the microphones as we took turn acting as soloists to different musical examples, and we are going to be using the activity mats as I introduce the element of texture in the coming weeks.
My students' learning has been boosted by these materials because they add a kinesthetic aspect to our lessons, making student memories of our material more vivid and meaningful.
Thank you again for your generosity. It is wonderful to see that you share my passion for music education for all students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
Building Rhythms, One Lego At A Time!
Funded Aug 28, 2013Thank you so much for your kind donation to my classroom. My students recently began exploring rhythms using the blocks that we received, and the new materials were a hit!! By having hands on materials like our new building blocks my students were able to visualize an often difficult concept. Your donation will be used again and again by all of my talented music students, I am so grateful for the impact that these learning materials will have on my classroom.
Thanks again for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
This classroom project was brought to life by Kia Motors America and one other donor.Little Lions on Broadway!
Funded Sep 8, 2012Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing my students with these wonderful musicals! It can be difficult to find performance repetoir for primary age students that is both challenging and fun, and I am lucky to have received four fabulous musicals. My school will be performing these musicals in early May at our annual Spring Concert, but this year, it will be our Spring Musical!
My students and I have just recently began exploring our new scripts and are so looking forward to beginning the rehearsal process in preparation for our big debut! We are planning for costumes, sets, and more!
Please know that by donating to my music classroom you have enriched the education of my wonderful little Lion performers, and have afforded me a valuable new teaching tool to further instill a love of music and performance in my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
This classroom project was brought to life by Kia Motors America and 2 other donors.We Wanna Get BOOMWHACKED!!!
Funded Oct 7, 2011Please consider this note a small token of my tremendous gratitude for your donation to my classroom and my students. I am thrilled to see that you share my belief that music education is important for every student in America. We have already used the Boomwhackers numerous times to explore the concept of harmony and chords. Young musicians of every talent level can use these materials to explore music in a new, memorable, fun way!
As I am sure you are aware music teachers are often forced to beg for funding, or to simply "do without". Generous individuals like you make it possible for my students to learn about music and blossom into life long lovers of music!
Thank you again for your generous and thoughtful donation to my music students, we are forever grateful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
Karaoke Cuties!
Funded Feb 11, 2011Please know that this note is just another expression of my gratitude for your generous donations to my classroom. The karaoke machine and cd's that your donations help purchase for my room are amazing and my students are very excited to use them. We already used our new karaoke machine as a way to reward ourselves for an successful Black History Month Concert, singing together is such a wonderful way to celebrate!
As I am sure you know, music classes are often at the bottom of the list of subject areas to receive extra financial support. Because of this, the music community thrives on the support of generous individuals such as yourselves who share our belief that music is a vital part of every child's education.
Thanks again for your help,”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
This classroom project was brought to life by Donor and 6 other donors.Creative Movement!
Funded Nov 3, 2010This note is yet another expression of my gratitude for your generous donation to my classroom. My students and I started using our new movement accessories this week, and it has been awesome! These scarves, streamers, ribbons, and bean bags have helped us further explore the classical music that we have been learning about. It has been so much fun to watch my students get excited to use new accessories in music class. These materials will be used for years to come in my classroom.
As you probably know, funding for music programs is suffering and music teachers can use all the help they can get. It is wonderful to see that you share my opinion on the importance of providing every student with a meaningful music education. For primary level students, music can help them build invaluable personal, academic, and emotional skills.
Thanks to your generous donation my fabulous students are learning even MORE in music class, and having more fun too!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkett
This classroom project was brought to life by Donor and one other donor.