Past projects 8
Post It!
Funded Aug 15, 2024Wow!! My heart is so full right now! Thank you all so much for your generosity! Teaching is more than a job to me; it’s a mission to impact and shape the future of our world. Your kindness has played a role in making that happen! Thank you all!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by The Gates Foundation and 2 other donors.Kindness Rocks!
Funded Oct 6, 2023I am so very thankful for your generosity! Your donation helped my class enjoy painting "kindness rocks" and passing them along to all the other classes in our school! Students spent time looking up quotes about kindness, as well as discussing why they chose the quotes they did. They then each chose a classroom and walked their rocks to the respective teachers. They now understand better that kindness is something to share!
Your thoughtfulness is the epitome of kindness! Thank you for being a role model to my students and me!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
Have a Seat, Please!
Funded May 12, 2023I want to take a moment to thank you sincerely for your generosity! One of the ways I believe I can help my students thrive in the classroom is by making them more comfortable. Some students have a very difficult time sitting still or sitting on a hard chair for long periods of time. Although I do have them get up and move around as much as possible, there are still plenty of times they must sit.
Your donation has made my students so happy! We rotate weekly who gets to choose from our flexible seating. They all look forward to their week! The two most popular seats are the camp rocking chair and the fuzzy papasan!
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and 9 other donors.Come in and Calm Down
Funded Aug 9, 2022Imagine a child is feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps he/she is having a difficult time understanding the math assignment. Maybe he/she had an argument at home or in the car on the way to school. He/she might have had someone say or do something unkind or unfair toward them. There are many reasons why a child might have a tough time getting his/her emotions under control. Emotional dysregulation can come on suddenly, and often children can't even pinpoint why they are unable to cope.
This is where your donations come in! My students were thrilled when they walked into the classroom and saw a tent full of calming toys and activities inside! We talked about what the purpose of the "calming corner" is, as well as the rules associated with being inside. The students have been very respectful of these rules, as well as of other students who may need to take a few minutes inside to cool down. They appreciate that Mrs. Games understands how hard being a kid can be, and that there is a safe space for them to go to reset.
Thank you so much for your generosity! Your donations will be used year after year to help future students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 6 other donors.Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti!
Funded Aug 4, 2021I am so very grateful for your generous donations which funded my classroom supplies this year! It has been many years since I chose a theme for my room, primarily because the cost involved was too great. But as I approached this school year - the first semi-normal year for my second graders in their short academic careers - I felt like it was important to make an impression on them. They question was: What message do I want to convey to them from the get-go?
I believe one of the biggest character traits missing in today's society is human kindness. So my room is now filled with reminders of how to be kind - not only to others, but to themselves. Words of affirmation and growth mindset cover the walls, desks, and even their folders. I believe this has already made a difference in my students' outlook!
My favorite way I've used these materials is by having a "Quote of the Day." Each morning, we use one of the positive affirmations in the room as a springboard for conversation. We discuss what the quote means and memorize it. I set three alarms with a special ringtone that let them know it's time to repeat the Quote of the Day. I even created some coloring sheets to coincide with the quotes! The children have really enjoyed doing these throughout the day!
So I say again - thank you! Your gift is really changing the lives of children in WV!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 2 other donors.Ready! Set! Remote!
Funded May 3, 2021As Covid-19 continues to impact our schools, homes, and communities, I am so grateful to have Remote Packets ready to send home with children if/when we have to go remote again. I showed the students everything that is included in the packets, and they were very excited to know that they will have all the tools they need to work from home!
Last year during remote learning, I often had students who didn't even have a pencil with which to write. Now, they will have rulers, scissors, glue, and crayons to complete any project they are assigned!
Thank you so much for your investment in our children of today and our hope for tomorrow!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 3 other donors.Powering Up with Power Pens!
Funded Feb 22, 2018Thank you so much for bringing Power Pens to our classroom! When our Power Pens arrived, the students were THRILLED! They love technology, especially that which allows them to work independently or in small groups. Because of your generosity, they have been able to work on their reading skills (blends, digraphs, short/long vowels, comprehension) and math skills (telling time, money, addition/subtraction, place value, word problems).
One of the things the kids love to do is compete with one another! They will divide the decks up equally, set the timer, and see who can answer the most questions correctly in that amount of time. I love to see them get excited when their pens light up and make a congratulatory sound! It builds their confidence and creates an environment for loving learning.
I am so thankful for people like you who care enough to invest in our children. Resources like Power Pens are too costly for most schools and/or teachers to afford on their own. Please know that your generosity does not go unnoticed!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron Appalachia and 2 other donors.Stand Up and Get the Wiggles Out!
Funded Mar 9, 2016It is with deep gratitude that I write to you. As a teacher in a low socioeconomic area, I am continually struggling to find the funds to purchase items I feel will truly impact my students' learning. Your help with buying our standing desks/stools has made a tremendous impact in my classroom! Let me share a couple of examples.
Several of my students suffer with ADHD. This causes them to fidget and lose focus often throughout the day. I usually spend a great deal of my time refocusing these students and/or giving them alternative ways to get their energy out. With our new desks, however, I see a tremendous difference in how much of my time is spent on these things! The fidget bars are in constant motion! The students are allowed to stand or sit on the stools at will. Having this freedom also helps them feel more in control of their actions.
For other students, it is a challenge to keep their bottoms on their seats and their chairs on all four legs. Feet, bottoms, knees, and other body parts of often up in the air in regular chairs! Our new wobble chairs have really helped these students center themselves. They are still able to move around without being a distraction to others and a safety hazard to themselves.
I hope you enjoy seeing the pictures of my students using these items. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Games