Past projects 2
5th Grade Book Club: Heroes, Dragons, Magic, and Much More!
Funded Nov 21, 2017What amazingly coincidental time of year to see my project funded. I am extremely thankful and grateful for your help in getting these booksets into my classroom. Each year as we enter into the Thanksgiving break and embark upon our “book clubs” I will be reminded of your generosity and kindness.
Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Alterman
Keeping the Joy Alive
Funded Sep 2, 2015Thank you again for your generosity in donating to my classroom library. My students have access to the books throughout the day and eagerly look forward to choosing books that match their interests. With your donations, I was able to keep my library current and relevant for the students this year.
Each day we have two hours dedicated to language arts. During this block of time, students are expected to read independently a book of their choosing. Some students find it difficult to sit and read, especially when they cannot find books that interest them, but because of you, they have a wider choice to select from.
I definitely have students who could devour a book in a week's time others who dedicate more time to their reading. I am constantly challenged to find new books for students to read in order to keep them inspired.
Thank you again for your kind actions and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Alterman