Books on the Shelf

Funded Dec 2, 2015

First of all, I would like to say thank you Donor's Choose! You have helped make my students' year by making it possible for us to grow our class library! We can't thank you enough for putting these wonderful donors in our lives!

From the first day of school I make sure my students are aware of how much I love to read and how important reading is to me. I believe this is a good hook to get them excited about reading. New books are also a great place to start as well!

In third grade, children still love hearing their teacher read/share a good book. In our classroom we do DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), we read in centers (books, magazines), we have listening centers, we read books and take Accelerated Reading (AR) Tests and we read for fun!

When we received our books, we had been working on character traits. Of course my students we're excited when we got to do a character trait activity with a book from our classroom library.

My students are enjoying the books as much as I am. As Trevor said in his thank you letter, I sometimes have to ask them to put their books away when they shouldn't be out at the time. A lot of my students enjoy reading the biographies about Clara Barton and Albert Einstein. Raymond was excited when he saw the book about Teddy Roosevelt. He related the book to the movie "Night at the Museum ".

I would like to say thank you for donating! Thank you for helping instill a love of reading in my students !”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Lanham