Past projects 2
3rd Grade Science Exploration: Hands-on Learning
Funded Aug 14, 2023This classroom project was brought to life by The State of Oklahoma.Fab, Fit and Fun!
Funded Feb 8, 2022
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My goal this year is to have more teacher instructed led learning by teaching the children the reason we do a fitness activity or game isn’t because we are just playing, but because we are learning too. I want children to learn their learning goal and physical fitness terms each week. I want health, nutrition, fitness, and hygiene to become something they value as well as their families. Physical Education equipment will help these kids tie all these things together to achieve learning in the correct way. The objective is for children to learn the skills necessary to participate in physical activities and be physically fit. Students will need enough and the right type of equipment to achieve this. If equipment is damaged or they don’t have enough equipment to perform, Students will not able to demonstrate a variety of motor skills and movements. If they have the right type of equipment for the skill, they can do achieve their physical fitness goals, while valuing physical health, enjoyment, and social cooperation with others.