Past projects 1
Exciting Books for Classroom Library
Funded Aug 4, 2015My students have enjoyed the new books that were added to our classroom library. Having more books in my classroom library has allowed me to recommend a variety of books to my students. The students in my classroom are very eager to check out the chapter books to help them with their weekly reading homework. Each week, I assign reading homework of one chapter book, and two books in a variety of genres. The books that I received allowed my student many choices that they might not have in the school library. They were given the opportunity to read biography chapter books and learn about many interesting people. To help improve reading skills and strategies, the students would write a reader response to the books they have read.
There are many opportunities for quiet reading in my classroom. On Friday mornings, we have thirty minutes of uninterrupted reading time. This time has helped my students with reading stamina and fluency. If they do not have a library book, they are encouraged to choose a book from my classroom library. They often recommend books to one another.
The "Weirder School" Series is especially popular with my Third grade students. These books are always checked out and students can't wait until they can read the next book. This series really appeals to third grade students and even my reluctant readers enjoy these books.
I thoroughly appreciate the donation that allowed me to have more books in the classroom. The books appealed to a wide variety of interests and reading levels. All of students enjoy the books and love reading!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peck
This classroom project was brought to life by Tony and Nanar Yoseloff and one other donor.