Past projects 8
Everyday Supplies for Students
Funded May 2, 2024Thank you very much for your donation! I am so excited to receive the materials and show them to my students. They will be motivated by the cool incentives to finish up the school year with a bang! We will also create amazing art and memories with the paint and sharpies!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
New Reading Classroom Furniture
Funded Oct 23, 2023Thank you very much for the classroom furniture! Students were excited to see the new additions to our classroom. They loved seeing the small chair and the sofa. It has been wonderful to have an alternative place for students to work and practice reading. I love that students now get the choice to work with me at the table and then practice independently. This allows students to have some movement but also feel comfortable while reading.
Thank you for helping me make my classroom a warm, cozy learning environment for all students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
This classroom project was brought to life by A Donor Who Loves Teachers and 2 other donors.New Cozy Classroom Rug
Funded Aug 2, 2023Thank you so much for the new classroom rug, decor, pens and laminator! Students are loving having an alternative space to read. Not only does the rug give students an additional choice of where to work but it provides our classroom community with a cozy, warm environment!
I also truly appreciate having my own laminator. Having my own laminator to create sturdy materials for students has been a game changer. I can easily laminate reading materials for students to use over and over to practice. I am also able to send laminated practice sheets or games home for students to do with parents.
Thank you for all the supplies and resources. I am excited to see how students continue to respond to these materials.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.Welcoming and Calming Classroom
Funded Dec 7, 2022Thank you very much for all the classroom decorations and supplies. My students come into our classroom and experience a welcoming, calm and safe space. They see greenery, calming colors and positive signs. All of these materials help students focus on what is most important, learning. Students were most excited about the fidgets because this allows them to work and focus on learning while giving them something to do with their hands. I love that the fidgets motivate students to make responsible choice in our classroom and take ownership over their own learning. I would love to continue to transform our classroom into a student friendly space that students can embrace as their own! Thank you again for getting us started with this process.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 4 other donors.Back to the Basics
Funded Dec 2, 2019Thank you for all the materials you brought to my classroom! Students have loved learning with manipulative letters, books sets, the listening center and the light table. We have been using the materials during both math and literacy centers on a daily basis. I can't wait to grow my collection of books on audio.
During literacy time we have a 90 minute block of time that is divided into 3 equal parts: writing, reading for comphrension, independent practice. During independent practice, students are grouped by ability. This allows me to meet with students and target specific skills. Other students are able to read books with the listening centers regardless of ability level. Students can also form words, pair capitals with lowercase, find initial sounds in words with the letter manipulative and light table.
Thank you for making learning in our class hands on and authentic for children.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 7 other donors.Pictures Are Worth A Million Words!
Funded Dec 16, 2017Thank you for your donation of cameras, film, ink and a colored printer! Students have been loving using them to capture what we are learning about. They are helping me showcase what students see and what students can do. For example, today selected students were asked to take pictures of classmates who were successfully working together. Your donation helps me empower not only the students who were selected to take pictures but those whose pictures were taken of. Students feel recognized and privileged to take on a role.
This is only the beginning, your donation will turn into meaningful homework. Students will soon be assigned specific tasks like taking pictures of their community, leaders in their lives, spring images and much more. Doing these types activities will provide students with new types of opportunities of learning.
Thank you again for changing the way students think of education, art and technology!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
This classroom project was brought to life by Cards Against Humanity and 8 other donors.Hands-On is Minds-On in Kinder!
Funded Nov 17, 2016Thank you for your donation of hands on materials. My students were thrilled to see all of the new additions to our class. Students were so excited to use the new materials. I loved seeing students having fun learning. They were able to practice letter formation without using pencils! Students can form the letter with the magnets and use play dough to explore differences in letters. The 4 stem kits that were donated are perfect for students to engage in building and creating. Students found these to be play when in reality they were critically thinking about creating bridges, buildings and forms of transportation. Most of all they loved the sand table! This donation will help students learn all year long in a student centered!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia
Lego Table
Funded Oct 9, 2015Thank you for the Lego table! My students are loving it. My students are able to use
the Lego table during centers and they love being able to build and create together. Students love to be given assignments, where I tell them what we need built or simply creating and explaining what they built.
When my students first saw the lego table they had no idea what it was for but as soon as I modeled what they could use it for the excitement grew. Student first pick for centers is always the lego table. I am starting to encourage students to think about different careers that include building and constructing.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Heredia