Past projects 3
Learning in Motion-Wiggle Stools to Stimulate Learning
Funded Mar 9, 2016Dear Donors,
From the moment my students saw the wobble stools, they were enthralled. 22 bodies pounced on their stools and learned the rules very quickly: you stand on it, you fall off it, you have to sit in a chair. Otherwise, wiggle away!
Now as the students are bent over their writing, they tip and swivel, sliding back and forth as they rock in a gentle motion. Now as they read their books, some of them slowly spin in a circle, completely unaware of the motion of their body in space, yet needing an outlet for their energy.
Thank you so much for giving my students an opportunity to build more movement (and core strength!) into their day by funding our wiggle stools project. It not only benefits them, but all future Kindergarteners in our class.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Binns
Spanish Language Childrens' Books
Funded Oct 21, 2015Thank you so much for making it possible for my students to read books both in English and in their home language (Spanish). Showing honor and respect for the languages and cultures that my students bring to the classroom is very important to me, as it helps my students see their additional languages as an asset instead of something they should feel embarrassed about. By providing my students with books to read with their families in Spanish, it positions their families as competent and allows them to discover texts such as Dr. Seuss books (or the Pigeon Books) with their families.
Everyday I send my Spanish speaking families home with two books (in Spanish) so that they can have time to read with their families. The students bring the books back the next day and trade them in. Their faces just light up every time they pick up a new set of books to take home and share with their parents.
Thank you so much for making this possible for my students, particularly Brisa, Alex, Stephanie, and Jimmy.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Binns
Learning Through Play
Funded Sep 30, 2015Blocks was always a popular "choice" during Choice Time in my classroom. Sadly, we had just a small tub of colored blocks for the students to play with, so I had to limit this area to only two students at a time. When our new blocks arrived, the students were so excited to try them out, and the best part was that four students were able to go to blocks everyday! At first there was a big rush with the boys wanting to try out the new materials, but now students of all genders are really excited to play with the blocks and it is fairly evenly split between boys and girls.
My students have built roads, castles, towers, and houses with the blocks. They have laughed together, worked, and even cried when a structure got knocked down (then they worked together to fix it in an amazing display of empathy). The blocks are helping my students learn how to collaborate, cooperate, negotiate, and problem solve through dramatic play and spatial reasoning.
We also received many paints and easel paper for our classroom. When I introduced this "choice" for six students, it immediately filled up with so many little artists, painting themselves, their friends, different characters, monsters, and more. In contrast to the blocks center during Choice Time, this area is quieter and allows students to work more individually, developing their creativity and focus through artistic expression. Another exciting note about the paint center: when I first wrote it up on the board, my students knew that it said "paint" because they had seen the paints and knew that the letter "p" makes the /p/ sound (we have been working on matching words to their initial sounds during reading time!).
Thank you so much for helping stock my kindergarten classroom with the same materials that I was able to enjoy as a kindergartener. Sadly, my school does not have the resources to purchase blocks, paints, and easel paper when we struggle to purchase copy paper for our printer every year. Your donation has meant that my students get to experience a properly stocked kindergarten classroom that many of their peers at other schools experience, even though my students attend a struggling Title I school.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Binns
This classroom project was brought to life by Inspirus Credit Union and 7 other donors.