Funded May 10, 2018This program was truly inspiring! Our goal is to move engineering/design and computer science into content classes beyond the TechEd and Computers Classes. So for the last 5 years we have run a Summer Science Institute where I piloted possible curriculum ideas with students willing to come for 1-3 weeks during the summer. This helped me learn how to bring more STEAM learning in the classes at our school. We have had staff that came as paid employees, but our mindset was to have fun with the kids and as an integration specialist-I could try out some activities for our tech ed and computers classes. Last year, we got all new standards-and realized that to meet them all, we would need cross curriculum projects that blended traditional content with STEAM learning. So for 3 weeks we ran a summer program and Staff PD program side by side. Some days it was just the kids having fun with our teacher staff, other days we had several teachers join us for the learning. What happened was that we were able to pilot 20 new projects that can go into tech ed, computers, makerSpace, science grades 6-8, music, health, PE, Spanish, French”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jackson