Past projects 3
Weaving Wonders
Funded Aug 9, 2022My students loved these supplies. We started a new attendance system this year. We are piloting a badge scan system so it has been extra vital that the students have their student ID's for each class. So the amazing materials you helped us get to make the lanyards have been so helpful for the kids to keep track of their badges for attendance each day.
They love the color schemes of the paracord and the fact that they made their lanyards themselves, makes it that much more special. They not only got to use their artistic skills, but for a very practical use. We will continue to create fun lanyards and bracelets for many weeks to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Selken
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 7 other donors.Digitally Painting Success
Funded Mar 12, 2016My students are absolutely ecstatic about our new stylus paint brushes. They couldn't wait to get them out and play with them. The are still getting used to using them and they take a bit of practice to perfect the technique. But they very much enjoyed using with them to create Thank You cards for you all.
We have big plans for these new supplies, but are a little slow moving because the iPads we have to work with are not all up and functioning for a full class. So we only have a couple to play on for now. We also have yet to find the best type of painting app to be able to get the most out of the brushes and create amazing artwork. The students ask quite frequently when they are finished with their current projects if they can get some more practice in with the brushes. I can't wait to see what wonderful masterpieces they will come up with next.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Selken
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 7 other donors.School Spirit the Silk Screen Way
Funded Apr 30, 2015I want to let you know that the silk screen printing kit you purchased for my schools is going to get a lot of use. We are in the beginning stages of planning out our designs and layouts for the T-shirts we will be printing. Not only will the students be able to get their hands dirty when printing, but they also get to enhance their digital art talents when creating the T-shirt designs.
My students were so amazing and intrigued when I opened the box of supplies. They had so many questions for me about the process and were so interested in how the printed shirt comes out in the end. The book that was included in the kit is very helpful and useful when explaining the different steps to students.
Our goal is to create printed T-shirts for important honors or accomplishments students receive at our school, like Student of the Month and a good character award we honors students with each month as well. That way they have something that is very unique to them and the accomplishments they have achieved.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Selken