Time..Can't Get Enough of It! Graphing Calculators Rescue Us

Funded May 7, 2015

Thank you so much for the 17 calculators purchased with your funding. My Algebra 1 and 8th grade math students use the devices nearly every day. They have been used for basic calculations as well as discovering properties of linear equations and quantitative linear relationships. They will be used throughout the year, but especially when we examine quadratic equations in the near future.

Initially, I taught the students the key strokes needed to view graphs and tables to analyze the linear relationships. As we did this, students became excited to find out for themselves the other things the calculator can do. "That's cool," was heard several times as we went through this. Once familiar with the device, the students were to graph several equations simultaneously to compare their properties. The pictures on the website show the students involved in this task.

Now that the students have seen a little of the calculators functions, they are more interested in purchasing their own. At first, they were hesitant when they heard the price of the calculator. Now that they have a little experience with them and see how easy it truly is to use the calculator as a learning tool and not just a four function evaluator, they are excited. Several students have purchased their own. I have stressed to them that this is an investment for their high school math career as they can use this calculator throughout all of their math classes through calculus.

This desire to learn through the tool was inspired by the availability of the calculators in class. This was only made possible through your sponsorship. We are forever grateful for your generosity.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Lebrun