Past projects 2
An Ear-resistable Approach to Learning New Language Skills
Funded Dec 4, 2023This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston.We Need an Appealing Reading Area
Funded Sep 5, 2016
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Our students require a nice area to read and listen to stories. We could utilized these materials during partner reading and independent reading every day. The children could use this furniture during the morning literacy centers and in the afternoon centers every single day for different types of purposes. For example, some students could do their partner reading in this area. I am hoping to create a beautiful quiet area where the children would like to spend time. This area will help children find a cozy area to read in the classroom and help them develop a love for books. It will also provide a place to listen to stories, rhymes and songs. The listening area will help the ELL students develop new vocabulary through rhymes and songs.