This Is Not Your Grandparents' Kind Of Tablet.

Funded Jan 9, 2015

Wow, was the first thing that my students said when the tablets arrived. They have expressed such excitement toward these tablets. We are thrilled that everyone gets to use the tablets for reading, writing, math, and information. I numbered the tablets so only 4 will access each tablet, and I know who they are. This way I can manage problems if they should arise.

I have a multitude of apps for the students that are working on sight words, reading, telling time, math facts, and so much more. For students that are reading at grade level I have apps to practice compare and contrast, inference, if.. then.., and comprehension. Students have an opportunity to use the tablets twice a week. Half of them are on Monday & Wednesday and the other half on Tuesday & Thursday.

I have seen more students on task. Students that are listening to stories have talked about the stories that they have heard. I have watched students excel in sight word games that are relevant to our class sight words. I now have the opportunity to work with students while every one else is on task. The tablets have become second nature in our class. Students know and do practice what they need.

I feel that our classroom is a work in progress with the tablets, but they have already boost students reading and math interest level.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. McCoy