Past projects 5
School Supplies!
Funded Aug 4, 2023Thank you so much for your donations! With these donations we were able to stock up two kindergarten classes full of supplies. The students have been working on being responsible and taking care of their own crayons. We are working on how to take care of our markers and once we accomplish that the students will get their own markers.
We have extra markers, glue, and crayons to last us the whole year. The students are really excited and thankful that we are able to have markers in our creation stations, instead of just crayons!
We are so grateful for your donations and these supplies have already made a world of difference in our classrooms!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hofstee
Dramatic Play
Funded Jul 24, 2022When the students first saw the doll house, puppet theater, Lego table and accessories their eyes lit up! Many of them said they have the same one at home and others were just so excited they got to play with them.
When playing in the doll house, the students are working on their imaginative skills. They are creating a world that is their own. They are working on their communication skills with their peers. They are learning how to compromise with friends, share ideas and take turns.
When they are playing at the Lego table, the students are given a time to be creative. They have come up with many different buildings. Some they have been so proud of they asked us to save them and never break them.
We are so thankful to have gotten these donations. They have fostered so much happiness and learning in our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hofstee
Classroom Necessities
Funded May 1, 2019My students have been so excited about our new headphones this year. The students get to use the desktop computers, lap tops and iPads throughout the day for both reading and math activities. In math, the students are working on their addition facts and need to be able to hear the instructor talking to them. During readers workshop, students go on the computers and listen to various stories. Without the headphones our classroom would be much louder at this time and all students would have a difficult time staying engaged with their learning.
The magazine book boxes have been helping tremendously. They are really helping the students stay organized and it is nice to have all their materials in one easy to find spot.
Thank you again for your donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hofstee
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 2 other donors.There’s a Wocket in My Chair Pocket
Funded Oct 23, 2018When the boxes arrived with our chair pockets the students were extremely excited. I was able to get them all set up while the students were in Library. When they came back to the classroom they were incredibly happy to see their chair pockets. Since then, many of the students take the time to make sure their materials stay organized. The students are also having a much easier time finding their books and various materials that they need throughout the day.
The chair pockets are very durable and sturdy and I look forward to being able to use them year after year.
Thank you again for your donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hofstee
Literacy For All!
Funded Nov 11, 2017Everyday my students participate in reading stations. During these reading stations they work on various activities. Some students are reading from their book bag, others are writing, some are working with the teacher and the rest of the students are working in literacy games. Since we received our new literacy games the students have been more engaged in their work. The materials vary based on their levels so all of the students have had a chance to feel successful during reading this year.
When we received our box of materials the students were over the moon excited. As I pulled out each new center they could barely control themselves! We spent plenty of time talking about how important is it to take care of our materials so they can last us this year as well as following years.
Over all, my students have really enjoyed these new literacy stations!
Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hofstee