Past projects 12
Reading and Flexible Seating Options in my Classroom.
Funded Sep 30, 2021Thank you so much for your generous donation. We are excited to begin our social studies unit in which we will read the Whale Child. The students and I are eager to understand the adventure of Shiny the whale as he turns into a boy and meets Alex. This book will directly support our study of Pacific Northwest Indigenous cultures. Building vocabulary, comprehension skills, and compassion for the environment area few skills we will work on this next trimester.
The chairs are a hit! We developed a rotating schedule since the students find these chairs comfortable, fun and a great place to settle away from others to dive into their books. I may have to get a few more next year!
Your donation means so much as I will have these books and chairs for many years! Please know you are impacting hundreds of students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Calling All Writers!!
Funded Oct 1, 2019Thank you so much for your generous donation. We created many wonderful memories over the ten-week study of poetry. Students were given a special, W.I.T.S. (Writers in the Schools) folder and paper to use each week. Every Wednesday, our guest author/teacher/poet came to our room with an inspiring picture book or poem to launch the focus of the day.
There were many highlights and powerful moments. For one student, he felt that writing poetry, his favorite type of writing, really allowed him to express himself and actually write in meaningful ways. For another, this experience gave her the outlet to write a brand-new poem each week and have the chance to share her work with her peers. The literature shared was hilarious, moving, and connected well to all.
The last day of our program will be a lasting memory. Families gathered together from from all three classrooms to hear poems written by the students and each student walked away with a beautiful book. The title, The Moon a Million Miles Away, was inspired by a poem written by one of my students! What an honor!
Thank you again for your support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Best Seat in the House?
Funded Dec 4, 2018Thank you so much for your donation. The chairs have bit a hit in the classroom! I had two students help me read the directions and build the chairs with me. It was quite empowering for these two students to complete this task!
Once put together, each student had a chance to sit on one of the chairs to "test" it out. Next, students each received a chance to use one of the chairs during a reading, writing, or math time. Now, students rotate using the chairs with ease, using them when needed.
I am so thankful for your kindness. These chairs will be used by many students, so your gift will continue on for many years.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Clean Sweep in Third Grade.
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you so much for the donation! I can share with you that my classroom is definitely a cleaner place! My students love it as well! It is so convenient to have my own vacuum. Although there is a community vacuum available, this one is far superior.
As I shared, I vacuum and sweep my room most days, so the build-up is not too great. The first time I used this vacuum, it sucked up so much debris-it was unbelievable! The receptor was pretty much full. It works incredibly well and I so appreciate having a clean space for my students to sit and work. This flexible, seating approach really helps students learn and a clean carpet is important! Most recently, we gathered for three days on the (clean) carpet to celebrate National Poetry Month. Students recited poems from memory and it was success.
Because of you I have an easy way to keep my room clean and up to my high standards. My students and I still have a month left of school and thanks to you, it will end on a clean note.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple and 2 other donors.Literature Circles in Third Grade.
Funded Aug 27, 2016Dear Donors,
Thank you so much for your generous donation. I am full of gratitude! The new table has been a wonderful addition to the classroom. I use it daily during literacy and math to meet with students. During literacy I meet and read with small groups and conduct reading and writing conferences. It is a perfect spot during our math workshop as it is used as the "teacher time" station. Students enjoy using it during partner work and it has also been used a spot for science group six during our rocks and minerals unit.
I am excited to use the books for our literature circle unit this winter. These books will be the perfect level for most students soon! I showed them the titles and gave them a taste and they are excited!
I continue to be so thankful of people like you who reach out to classrooms!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 6 other donors.Love & Logic!!
Funded Sep 19, 2016Dear Donors,
Thank you for your generous donation! My students and I are having a grand time with the games! Problem solving is an important skill to develop and these games provide valuable opportunities for my students.
Each Friday, I select options for students and these have been the highlights and most-requested options of our community-building time! The surprising favorite of the lot is an oldie, but a goodie...Battleship. I will have to order more of this game soon as there is a wait list to play!
Thank you again and I hope you may be able to join us one Friday!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Third Grade News!
Funded Mar 9, 2016Thank you so much for funding this project!!! When the boxes arrived, everyone wanted a part in unpacking the boxes. The chrome book and camera have been quite useful. The camera was just used on our field trip. By far, the biggest hit is the printer. A DOUBLE-SIDED color printer, in OUR classroom...truly amazing!!!
I can't even begin to express what a luxury it is to have this beautiful printer in the room. The newspaper staff enjoys receiving their editions in color. It lives on a desk that is close to one student in particular and he loves the role of delivering the printed papers to individual students during writing. The students just used it to print their alliteration poems! Thank you again for reaching out and giving my students access to this technology. I am full of appreciation.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Folktales, Fairy Tales, and Fables, Oh My!
Funded Mar 23, 2016Thank you so much for supporting my classroom! When the boxes arrived and were unpacked, I had to gently share that these terrific books would be part of a unit that would happen later in the year. My students love reading and I know they will devour these books when we begin our Folk Tale and Fairy Tale unit in a couple of weeks. Having access to literature is critical to improving stamina and interest in my classroom. I appreciate too that I have multiple copies of some books since my students enjoy shared reading! Thank you again for your kindness. I am full of appreciation!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and one other donor.Together, We Make Great Things Happen!
Funded Oct 30, 2015Thank you for helping my classroom! This beautiful rug provides us a space for learning and growing together. My students and I use this carpet every day and it is a joy to be able to have the entire class sit and share the same space. My students and I gather together to share books, poetry, math strategies, play chess, complete floor puzzles, and much more. It is the "go-to" spot when students self-select a "nook" in the classroom to work quietly. I appreciate your generous spirit and your willingness to help my classroom. My students for years to come will benefit from this rug, which you provided. Thank you so very much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer
Technology in Third Grade
Funded Apr 10, 2015Thank you so much for your kind donation. My students are beyond excited to use these iPad Minis. My students first had to each guess what was in the big, brown bag. The guesses ranged from canned food to books, to roller skates! I shared with them my plan to use these during our Math Workshop and they just can't wait!!
Although I am quite tech literate, these are now School District property and I am still waiting for them to be officially activated by a District representative, but I know it will be any day now!
Your generous donation will make a difference this year and for many more years to come! Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sawyer