Past projects 6
Wiggle Back To Work!
Funded May 17, 2021Thank you so much for your support. Having the ability to offer flexible seating is going to help so much for kids returning to in person learning this school year. This time during distance learning has been a challenge for many students but your generous donation has helped ease the challenge. Kids are able to focus better and are able to complete more work because of flexible seating options. I am so thankful for all of you and I know my students are as well. Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo
This classroom project was brought to life by Born This Way Foundation and 7 other donors.Our Classroom Needs a Cozy Corner!
Funded Sep 7, 2018Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that contributed to this project! I am so grateful for your support. My students will benefit so much from these materials. We have just finished our first week of school and my students need this space! I am so thrilled that I will be able to set up our cozy corner and have it ready for them in the next couple of weeks!! Thanks again for your support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 14 other donors.Literacy is Fun!
Funded Nov 13, 2015Dear Google,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all our new literacy materials!!
Many of my students are working on the motor planning related to the physical act of writing words down on paper. When the learning objective isn't handwriting, they struggle with meeting their learning targets because writing can be such a challenge for them. Thanks to your generous donation, they are able to use different forms of writing to communicate and share what they know. The materials you donated help my students learn by breaking down barriers to their learning.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo
STEM Curriculum
Funded Apr 8, 2015Thank you so much for your generous donation. My students really enjoy the hands on learning materials such as the math centers. I am thrilled to have the materials to incorporate science to their specially designed instruction. While most of my students participate with their general education homeroom classes, the pace of instruction is too fast and they don't have the opportunity to truly learn about the topic or subject. Thanks to your donation I have the materials and resources to create science units that are paced to their learning styles! Thank you again for your support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo
This classroom project was brought to life by South King County STEM Network and 3 other donors.Technology for Us
Funded Apr 9, 2015Thank you so much for your generous donation! These classroom iPads help my students to be successful both academically and behaviorally. iPads are such great teaching tools and the possibilities are endless in there ability to support young learners. Most of my students are visual and tactile learners. There are many apps that we use that supplement their reading, writing, math and social skills lessons. It makes me so happy to see them eager to learn.
These iPads are also great positive behavior supports where my students can earn access to using them after their more challenging lessons are complete. When we first received the iPads at the end of last school year, I had a couple game apps on each iPad. I noticed that my students were only choosing the games (no surprise). Over the summer, I deleted all the non-academic apps and downloaded more academic games. I was worried that they would protest the update but they all seem to really enjoy the learning apps. They are learning that learning can be fun! Thank you again for your support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo
This classroom project was brought to life by South King County STEM Network and 2 other donors.Room 201
Funded Oct 12, 2014Thank you again for your generous donation to our classroom. My students are grateful for the new classroom materials. When I opened the package in from Donors Choose, my students were super excited to see what was inside. They were excited about the watercolor paints, dry erase markers, highlighter pens, glue sticks, paper, and even the new erasers for our classroom whiteboard.
We use the dry erase pens and highlighters during our writing lessons. Many of my students are practicing their writing by tracing letters and shapes in the dry erase activity books. Teachers use the highlighter pens to help the students with their writing. Teachers will write it first in highlighter then students trace in pencil.
Thank you again for your donation to our classroom. My students and I appreciate your support and encouragement.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Strehlo