Past projects 2
Correspondence Project Supplies for Every Unique Student!
Funded Dec 3, 2024We can't express our gratitude enough for funding our project! Our correspondence books are a treasured keepsake for students and their families for years to come. The 8th grade Core team appreciates the generosity of our community. The students are going to love this project! We cannot thank you enough!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Robinson
Mega Math Materials
Funded Oct 27, 2015I'd like to start by thanking you so much for the whiteboards and erasers. They are such a great resource for the kids to use and for me to quickly assess their understanding of a topic. We use the white boards during our math time. They are kept in bins in the back of the room with their math notebooks. They know that when they come in for recess, they get their bins and are able to "doodle" on their white boards for a minute or so until I am ready. That is always fun for them. I give the lesson and then we do practice problems. They are able to hold up their work and I can quickly check to see who needs more practice and who is ready to move on. Once they move into their independent work, I can pull the students that I saw were having trouble and work with them one on one. It is such a great tool for me to use to assess their learning.
The students LOVE their white boards. They feel a sense of ownership and have been taking great care of them. The erasers are lifesavers so we don't run out of Kleenex and don't have old socks floating around the classroom. The class is used to larger white boards to write on, so when they saw the mini ones, "They're so cute!" were the comments I heard circulating around the room.
I usually use the boards as an individual assessment tool, though I am beginning to let them use them for partnerships and group work, as well. I will continue to use these in coming years since they are so durable and the students are taking great care of them. Thank you so much, again. We appreciate the donation!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Robinson