Past projects 3
Looking Into A Hidden World
Funded Jul 17, 2015During this time we are using the terrariums to make habitats for our caterpillars. Each small group has a terrarium at their desks. They collected items from outside and set up a habitat to match the natural habitat of a caterpillar. In the terrarium we have seen the caterpillar live, eat, and grow. Some of the caterpillars are even starting to j-shape.
The students are extremely excited to have their own terrariums to keep an eye on their caterpillars. Students to turns taking ownership of their habitat and taking care of their caterpillars. Whenever I feel my students need a little break to relax, i tell them to watch their habitats. It is clearly evident that the students love these breaks as their eyes grow with joy.
The next steps with our new science materials is to first finish watching the caterpillars changes. Then turn the caterpillar habitat into a butterfly habitat. As seen as a couple butterflies pass away, we will use our microscope to look at the parts of the butterflies body.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moe
Open My Mind to the Solar System
Funded Nov 13, 2015At this time my students are just beginning to learn about the solar system. We have just scratched the surface of all the great things to learn in the future. So far, we have learned about the planet names, the symbol of each planet, how long it takes to go around the sun, and one interesting fact about each planet. Later, I hope we can do some group research and presentations about each planet and the sun. These we will share and then put up in the halls for everyone to see.
When the students first saw all the new items for our classroom they were extremely excited. I heard things like "the stars" "planets" and one student asked if we were learning about the solar system. Having hands-on items has helped keep the interest level peeked. The solar system is a hit!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moe
Open My Eyes To The World
Funded Nov 27, 2014I informed my students about the tablets the week my donations went through. They seemed skeptical at first. The moment they could visually see the tablets they were full of excitement. Through the process of teaching the students about how to handle the tablets, and having the opportunity to learn from meaningful learning through technology, the students have had a tidal wave of emotions. We began with lots of confusion, mostly they didn't know how to handle the tablets. Now, it is clear that they are learning and having a great time. This week I had the privilege of stepping back and allowing a student to teach another student with the use of the tablets in the classroom. It took no time at all for my students to spread the word that they get to use tablets in the classroom and that learning is so much fun now.
I provide my students with a variety of times to use the tablets for learning. My reading class works on the tablets every week during center time. Most of the focus is on spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension. Also, my after school intervention students work on word families, and blends through applications on the tablets. One of the most meaningful experiences my students are having are from interactive reading. The students are able to make meaning from stories much easier than before. My next steps are to include math applications to help students deepen their understanding.
Having the tablets in the classroom has provided a meaningful resources for both the students and myself. Including the tablets into reading centers has engaged students in positive learning and self-growth. I am sure that we still have much to learn about the tablets and how to further education in the classroom. Overall the experience has been great!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moe
This classroom project was brought to life by The Team and 8 other donors.