Snap Shots from a Budding 3D Artist

Funded Jul 2, 2022

The hp Sprocket printer has been the best way to add to a students portfolio!!! My Ceramics and Sculpture students only make 3D art and it is really difficult to quickly show the process of their work, notes, sketches, and the final outcome to others. With the Sprocket as the new added technology in the classroom, it has allowed students to capture the start to finish process in their sketchbooks and portfolios.

Students that are completing in Governor's Honors are using it to perfect their sketchbook and portfolio when they go to State. Students are limited to the amount of works that they can take to State, but their sketchbook and portfolio will not be limited. They will be able to show judged other works and where their inspiration came from when they created their art.

My student especially love the peel n' stick ability that the photos have. They have also found it useful in labeling areas of the room with pictures on how equipment should be organized. Because it easily sticks to walls and other surfaces, students are also in the process of using it to show step-by-step how to work equipment using multiple pictures.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Wood