Past projects 2
Read Alouds in Kindergarten
Funded Apr 25, 2010Thank you so much for your support with my Read Alouds in Kindergarten proposal. These beautiful, well-written books get my students so excited about reading. These books lend themselves to enriching conversations on plot,setting, inferences, and making connections. My students could hardly believe that there are people out there that are so nice that they would buy books for our classroom. These will be used for years to come by many more curious kinders. THANK YOU for making our learning come alive!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holbrook
Thematic Teaching in Kindergarten
Funded Dec 5, 2008Thank you so much for your generous donation to our kindergarten!! Not only are we so excited to get our thematic teaching tubs, but also it makes us feel really special that people believe in us enough to help support our learning. Words can not express how much we appreciate your donation. We promise to take good care of our tubs and learn lots!!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holbrook