Funded Aug 13, 2023

Back to school is always an exciting time for my students! This year was made extra special because of all of the wonderful supplies they have received from this project. The colored pencils, crayons, markers, glue sticks and scissors are being used for many ELA activities as a part our new reading curriculum. Just recently we categorized animals using the colored pencils & crayons. They are learning to make a key for the colors used.

Many games have been made using the colored cardstock paper, sharpies, and laminating sheets. Learning games are enjoyed by all in my class. It's a great way to reinforce skills taught during lessons as well as work on cooperating with others.

Our new globe has been so helpful in showing the students where certain Classic Tales originated from and where the habitats of animals are located. We will be using this valuable tool throughout the year for ELA and Social Studies.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Dziokonski