Chemically Speaking!

Funded Sep 3, 2018

My students were elated to be able to do hands-on science or as they said "a REAL lab"! My class is often the first time they are doing labs that require higher level thinking with data collection and analysis. Students need the lab skills of predicting, measuring, safety, data collection, and analyzing their result early on so that they are ready for higher level classes in high school. Using the kits saves me hours of prep and insures that we are not hindered by lack of available supplies. This allows extra time for feedback to my young scientists rather than trying to simultaneously prepare additional materials/attempt feedback/prompting safe lab procedures/... the list is seemingly endless in a middle school science class! The kids were very engrossed in the Chem Reactions lab and loved seeing their results in person and not in a video. And they loved the demoes! These experiences are priceless for my kids as they are at a stage where they are deciding "Can I do Science?" Your support both financially and in spirit means a great deal to them AND me. THANK YOU!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Helman